Chapter 6

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Morgan and Howard Thompson are the children of the richest couple in New York. They lived in a luxurious building in Upper Manhattan. Their relationship with their parents always made others jealous, especially Moira and Freya. Virginia Thompson was teaching Psychology at Columbia University. Morgan preferred to spend time with their father while Howard was closer to their mother. Malcolm Thompson was an engineer who owned Thompson Industries. Morgan and he had so many things in common. Although she loved her mother she wanted to be like her father when she grew up. Her plan was to go to MTI and study engineering, just like her father did. Malcolm also loved teaching his children how to build everything they wanted.
Their favourite family activity turned out to be the reason they needed a second garage. If the gang was not hanging out in James' basement, Morgan and Howard's workshop was the place. Howard was not that good with actually using the machines. He was the brain. He was the one coming up with the ideas and Morgan was bringing them to life. Kiara was staying at James' house for almost two weeks, but for some reason she never got to go at the famous workshop. James was making up ridiculous excuses to go to Morgan's house without Kiara. Kiara did not take it personally. She knew Morgan hated her. But with James and Sarah absent she had to start making new friends.
That is when Kiara met a soft-spoken redhead girl, Edith. She claimed that she was staying at the neighborhood, but Kiara never visited her place. Edith was the first-person Kiara trusted with her secret double life after James. She managed to start making new friends and not having the need to follow James all around. But her instincts made her never tell anyone about Edith. She wasn't ashamed of her, but she didn't want them to know that she was making new friends.
It was the last day before the school year would start. The gang had decided to go to a coffee shop instead of their normal hangouts. "Morgan what are you going to do with the thing? It is very serious." Freya said with worry.
Morgan rolled her eyes, but everyone was waiting for an answer. "Dad is going to take care of it. There is nothing I can do about it. I don't even know how my thing got stolen" She replied.
"It's kind of your fault. You shouldn't leave a robot of artificial intelligence laying around." Howard complained. Morgan frowned.
"Dad said that he is going to find it. And will secure it. I cannot find it. And he told me to stay out of the case. It disappeared. There is no way someone got through security and went to the workshop with nobody realizing" Morgan replied looking tense. x
Nobody was happy with her answer, but Morgan could not take the serious talk for any longer. "Guys come on! It is the last day of summer. Why do we have to discuss boring stuff like that! We are going to talk only about the boring stuff from tomorrow. Let us go see a movie or something. You don't get anything by worrying about something you can't control"
James seemed very moody like something was bugging him. He was tapping his left foot on the floor "You are all impossible. Kiara is not feeling welcome. She cannot come everywhere with us because of that stupid cyborg you two idiots built. Why am I the only one who cares about her?" Nobody was answering which created an awkward ambience in the room.
"For the record Jae, Morgan built it. I had the idea. I didn't want to build it." Howard said to his best friend. James was annoyed.
"I am sorry James. I love you and I would do everything for you. But I do not like Kiara, and it seems that she does not like me either. " Morgan said as kind as she could.
"The rest? Do you have something to say about this?" Freya lowered her head and Sebastian seemed a bit off.
"James, I tried to approach her, but she says that she is busy. We aren't that close to push her to come with me." Freya replied.
James got even angrier with the obliviousness of his friends. So, he did the only thing that seemed logical to him. He left the coffee shop and started making his way back to his home very upset.
"You poor thing, your friends do not care about Kiara" A girl whom James had never seen in his life said. She put her hand on his shoulder.
James was not in the mood. "I am pretty sure we've never met" He said in the driest tone.
The girl giggled in most inhuman way. "I am Meredith. How you cannot remember me. We are in the same class silly! I am living in your neighborhood. We used to have a lot of fun, the two of us"
James instincts kicked in. There was something wrong with that girl. He had never seen her in his life. He started marching even faster but a figure with a black hood pushed him into a small alley. It seemed that he knew James weak point as he punched him on his jaw.
The punch was not hard enough to make him lose his senses. But it was hard enough to force James to the ground. He could not speak. It was like someone had taken away his voice. He was desperately trying to leave but his knees could not lift him. James wanted to cry for help, but he was helpless. The girl with the red hair was coming for him.
He only remembers one thing before Freya and Howard found him. A needle with a black fluid getting injected in his body.
"JAMES!" Freya was trying to wake him up but no result.
"We have to call his parents; we have to get him to a hospital. Maybe he had a asthma attack" Howard suggested
"Don't be such a baby, he passed out. It is not the first time that it has happened. The same story since we were little. Every time he got overwhelmed or angry, he passed out. HE SHOULD BE UP BY NOW. " She replied with no patience.
"How do you that it isn't his asthma?" Howard asked Freya.
She looked up to him. "Number one, his aspirator is in his pocket and he would have reached for it. Number two, I am smart. Number 3 he went to the doctor last week and he has been getting better. Asthma Attacks aren't that sudden" Freya said proving once again that she wasn't a dumb blonde.
Howard looked rather annoyed. "Shut up" he said with a small voice.
Freya heard him "Make me" She dared him.
Howard being impulsive he took her arm and kissed her. He did not get to see her reaction as James retrieved his senses. "What... What is going on? Where am I?" James did not remember a thing,
"You scared the hell out of me James. We were coming to find you and you were here unconscious and..." Freya said panicked.
"I am fine Freya, chill out". He tried to get up, only to fall on his face.
Howard got up. "Okay, were carrying you home. Let me call Seb" he said.
Freya glared to him. "I am 5"11! There is no need to call anyone else. We can do it ourselves"
Howard tried to say something, but Freya's glare got him to stop talking. Then he remembered that he kissed her, and he was not in the mood to face the anger of Freya.
"I am feeling a little dizzy, but that's all. I can go home by myself" James tried to make them leave him alone. But truth be told, he was feeling horrible. Like he was dead, and he got resurrected.
"James, we are getting you home, even if you start flying!" Freya's eyes seemed like they were metallic. "You look like a zombie. You are not two years old. You are going to do what I say you will". James was a little afraid of Freya. Which meant she was almost always getting everything her way. She had a fire in her eyes that made her seem like she was mad. James and Howard sometimes joked that Freya was an Amazonian Warrior in her past life.
As soon as they got home, Natalie freaked out. They explained everything to her but that did not mean that James would not go to the doctor. "Mum come on! Why are you all overreacting. I passed out. It's nothing." James for once got his way. They did not go to the doctor. But Natalie consulted a doctor of the base with James' symptoms. He told her that there was nothing to worry about it, but Natalie was sure that James did not have a simple blackout.
That night James' heart was racing, and he had an awful headache. He considered saying that to his parents, but he did not. Maggie and Sarah were giving them enough problems. James did not want to be another one.
Maggie was still crying too much every night and Sarah? She had anorexia which meant they were keeping an eye on her all day, every day. He did not want to stress them out just because his heart was beating fast. He would live with it, the way he did with asthma.

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