Chapter 29

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At the end of a day what is a legacy? Is it how you lived or how you died? It is what you will remembered for. It is how the others will remember you.
Sebastian died for a girl that did not like him back. He sacrificed his life because that was what he believed it was his mission. He did not care about his abusive father or his little sister. He knew what his destiny was. Where was the finish line for him? He went through years of abuse and sadness. He did not close up to himself. He did not become selfish; He gave up his life so the others could live.
Meredith died as a jealous villain. She died because she was so jealous and greedy. She could not make Morgan love her. Because of that she wanted to destroy every person Morgan loved and the whole globe. She did not want anyone else to be happy. She became the villain of the story just because she could not take as an answer. She could not get that Morgan and she were not meant to be. It became an obsession. She became so sick that she wanted to vanish a whole city.
Kiara will be remembered as the first queen of Celestia, as the savior of the Celestial people. She showed them that a female leader could be as good as a male one. She got to be just as good and fair as her father. She fixed her mother's mistakes and secured her father's legacy. At the end of the day, everyone wants to feel safe. Safe and happy. King Harrington was the reason everyone was happy. He allowed his daughter to become a monarch with no man by her side. He allowed his people to trust their monarch and have a say on everything. Kiara Used to be broken. But that made her more loving, more understanding.
Freya got to prove who she truly was. She became the White Knight and showed to every sexist person in Melania that she did not need a man in her life. Freya was a role model. A role model for every girl that could not escape an abusive or unhealthy relationship. For every girl that did not have the courage to stand out, to talk for herself and get what she wants.
She worked out her life. She fought her anxiety and her suicidal thoughts and made everything better. She helped her brother ascend to the throne. She helped her brother to take what he wants. She had a horrible year, but she did not let that year define who she was. Define her legacy. She is the White Knight, the protector.
She helped her younger brother get used to reality and her mother to fix her mistakes. She did not look at the past but rather at the present. You cannot fix the future. The future is a mystery. We have to wait for it to come.
James and Morgan will be remembered as the ones who terminated Meredith's evil plans. They will be remembered as the people who survived the fall of the spaceships and as protectors of New York.
James ran to the spaceship even if that could cost his life. He ran to the love of his life because he knew that she needed him more than the others. James preferred to die next to Morgan than listen to those 7 words. Those words that he had heard other two times in his life. Once for his aunt and once for his dad. James does not want to live in a word where Morgan is dead.
Morgan decided to keep the truth a secret because she did not want to hurt the others. She did not want them to suffer. If someone had to suffer, she believed that she should be the one. The brightest smiles hide the most secrets. She knew stuff that she did not manage to tell them. She did not manage to say to Kiara that she was sorry or how much she loved Howard.
Howard will be remembered as the glue of the most incredible team. He was the reason everyone took their true forms. Without him, Meredith would have won. She would have conquered the world and erased humanity. Morgan wanted Howard to feel loved. James wanted to make sure that Morgan was alright, otherwise Howard would die. Freya wanted Howard to feel safe. Sebastian wanted to make sure Howard was happy.
Everything is a part of a bigger story. The story of the humanity. Everything takes a part in the story of evolution. The same goes for the phone call Natalie and Virginia received at 3am in Christmas. Their children woke up from the coma.

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