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(I know the way I do it is weird but I role play so don't be mad that I write like this)
Blue: *skips around, searching for Dust*
Nightmare: *goes to him* hey have you seen Killer by chance?
Blue: nope. Sorry Nighty. Have you seen Dust?
Nightmare: no
Blue: then lets find them together! They're probably arguing somewhere
Nightmare: yea
*the two wander to find their boyfriends*
Dust: *talks with Killer*
Blue: oh there they are! I wonder what they're talking about
Killer: *kisses Dust*
Dust: *kisses back*
Blue: *goes wide eyed* ...w-what?
Nightmare: ... *holds back tears*
Chem: ...tell Nightmare to go pack. We have to leave
Blue: ...
Nightmare: *hugs Blue and takes him away from the sight*
Blue: I thought he loved me...
Nightmare: ...I'm so sorry...
Blue: it's not your fault...let's just...disappear
Nightmare: I'll go pack
Blue: ok... *walks off and packs, still in tears*
Nightmare: *packs and lets the tears flow down his cheeks* stupid Killer...
Blue: *texts Dust* we're done
Dust: *texts* what?! Why?!
Blue: you know why!!
Dust: babe please...
Blue: *blocks Dust*
Dust: babe?! Babe answer me! *goes to find Blue*
Blue: *goes to the gate, Nightmare already there*
Nightmare: ready?
Blue: I guess...
Chem: *opens a portal*
Blue: lets go...
Dust: *runs outside* BLUE!!
Blue: *goes through after Nightmare and the portal closes*
Dust: *tears up and begins to sob*
Blue: where...are we?
Murder: *runs from Hallusiv* YOU CANT CATCH ME YOU CANT CATCH ME!!
Hallusiv: YES I CAN!!
Murder: NEW PEOPLE!! *hugs Blue and Nightmare*
Blue: *shoves him off them harshly*
Hallusiv: ?

TBC. Why? Cuz I said so

Dust and Killer CheatWhere stories live. Discover now