Chapter 1: True Cross Academy

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Walking into the massive building, I hear a quiet poof sounds come from behind me.

Sliding the chinese ring dagger into my hand and down my sleeve, I hold it behind me, centimetres from the persons neck, hearing a quiet gulp.

"I warned you about doing that.. Mephisto." I growl out, putting the dagger back up my sleeve and turning back around.

"I'm changing. This uniform is shit." I snarl walking into the girls bathroom and changing into something more dark and more my style.

Your new clothes:

"And what exactly is the difference between the uniform and what your currently wearing?" Mephisto asks blankly.

"That THING is too colourful. It's ugly. And this, this is comfortable and dark. Got a problem?" I reply snarkily.

"Just remember to keep the tail invisible. And keep the flames to a minimum. No one needs to know you're Lucifers daughter." Mephisto states.

"Yeah whatever..." I grumble out.

"Wanna show me to my damn class?" I snarl annoyed.

"Dear lord, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, (L/n)?" Mephisto smirks.

I let out a growl, feeling my claws growing, I quickly stop them and turn my hands back to normal.

"Just show me already." I respond grumpy.

"Alrighty. We're here!" Mephisto states returning to his usual happy state.

Feeling him kick my back into the door, the door swings open.

He steps in behind me, I turn around, my hand curling into a fist.

Swinging my right hand towards him, he quickly blocks it, but I sneak attack him with an upper cut to the lower jaw.

"Never kick my back again." I snarl, my usual sharp teeth growing even sharper until I return back to my normal resting bitch face.

He springs back up, about to hit me with his umbrella in the face, but I quickly jump and do a back flip, dodging his attack, only to see his left leg raising to meet me.

I quickly change my position and location I'm in, in mid air dodging his attack.

"Don't push it Mephisto." I snap, running towards him, him using his umbrella as a shield.

As I grab onto either side of his umbrella, I can smell the burning from it coming from the places I have my hands.

I take my hands off his umbrella and Mephisto just stands there astonished by my actions.

"Uh well then. This is your new class member, (L/N) (Y/N). Tell them a bit about yourself, (Y/N)." Mephisto commands.

"I don't like people, I'm not interested in friendship or any of that shit. I'm here to study, so don't bother talking to me." I state rudely.

Seeing a guy in the front row of the class with a demon tail, and pointed ears, like myself, I sigh a my head turns to Mephisto, as my eyes dart to the dark blue haired boy in the front row then back to him.

"Fineeeeeee, if it's draining." He whispers.

"But first." He speaks.

Raising his umbrella, he slams the end of it down to the ground, but ends up stabbing my tail with the end of it.

I let out a loud scream of pain, my tail becoming visible.

I bite the tip of my thumb, and rub it against something invisible.

Satan's Son & Lucifer's daughter. ♡ Rin OkumuraΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα