Chapter 1

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Imagine you keep editing the character info/hcs haha couldnt be me
Also i dont know much about binders and such so um sorry if theres something incorrect about them👉👈

!☆~°•,.3rd Person POV.,•°~☆¡

There was a sort of, buzzing sound, waking the teenage boy. Kokichi Ouma had dark purple hair that turned lighter near the tips, he had very pale skin with faint freckles. His right eye was a golden-yellow color, while his left eye was purple. He sat up and looked to his left, his eyes landing on the vibrating phone.

"...Shiro-chan? S-sorry, i was asleep.."

"Ah! Ouma! No no, its fine, im sorry, i didnt know if you were awake or not." the voice of Tsumugi Shirogane had answered, followed by a nervous laugh.

"Ah, no, dont worry about it. Um..What did you need?" he yawned.

"Just reminding you to meet up with Iruma, Gokuhara and I so we can walk to school! Im almost done getting ready, so ill see you there, ok?"

"Yeah..! I-ill go get ready now." Ouma stood up. Moving toward the closet.

"Right! Ill leave you to get ready now, bye!"

"Mhm! Bye.!" And the call ended. He tossed his phone, which landed on his bed, and turned back to the closet. He took out his uniform, walked to the bedside table, and opened the drawer. He took out the binder and started to undress

<Its ok yall, the magical light is censoring everything😌also uh timeskip aha->

"Hey, im leaving now. Make sure you dont lose track of time when your with your friends and end up late to classes, bye..!" a teenage girl, with two long pigtails on the bottom of her head and red eyes, smiled slightly, then turned and exited the house. Her name was Maki Harukawa, Oumas sister, though not biologically. They both got along well though.

He waved goodbye and entered the kitchen, debating whether he should eat or not. He didnt want to wake his parents and get yelled at, but he was also very hungry. He sighed and decided to wait until his lunch period. He went back upstairs to his room and quickly changed the bandage on his cheek. He had been hurt by his father last night.

Once he finished, he looked in the mirror, smoothing out some areas of his uniform with his hands. Once he had decided he was decent-looking, he exited his room and went downstairs, grabbing his bag. He texted Shirogane, telling her he was on his way.

<Omg its the baddies😎>

"Ouma! Goodmorning!" Shirogane called out to him while putting butterfly clips on someone hair. She had blue hair, and round glasses covering her also blue eyes. "Ah- youre hurt!" she noticed the bandage on his cheek.

"Is Ouma ok?" A green haired student ask, a concerned look on their face. They had long, messy-looking greenhair and red eyes, with glasses covering them. They looked very intimidating. Gonta Gokuhara was sitting on a bench as two of their friends played with their hair.

The strawberry blonde teenager looked at him worriedly. Miu Iruma had beautiful blue eyes and long hair, usually tangled, as she was to lazy to brush it out in the morning.

"Im fine, its not that bad.." Ouma put his hand over the bandaged injury.

"If you say so..Tell us if it hurts, ok?" said Iruma. Kokichi just nodded. "Anyway, we should start walking, i dont want us to be late.." she stated. They all agreed and stopped playing with Gokuharas hair. They didnt bother taking out the clips. It made them feel pretty :).

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