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A few well thought out and cleverly worded texts later, Kevin was on Sarah's good side again. He felt his dignity take a bit of a jab from the sheer fact that he felt compelled to step up and regain some reputation he felt was unnecessarily lost – but then again, making enemies was the last thing he needed to do.

"So basically, I had a good thing going with Blake until Sparklebitch came along and started buying him shit. Stuff that I couldn't get him – clothing, car accessories, video games, a new phone – I mean how was I supposed to feel? Like who the fuck is this bitch and why is she buying my boyfriend stuff? Some beautiful blonde haired little frappuccino princess comes out of nowhere and treats my boyfriend better than I could. She just basically stole him from me right in front of me. Started with throwing money and stuff in his face, then she threw herself at him. Oh but she's just a friend. What, I can't have female friends? And then it just snowballed from there. He just couldn't resist," she explained.

Kevin thought to himself then dangerously commented, "Yeah I know people like that. I knew a guy who would do something similar. Back in high school, there was this guy who just knew how to work girls. He would seduce them, very effectively, and break up couples, hurt other girls, so on and so forth." It was easier than he thought. Something about it felt good – the idea of Joshua's memory living on as a reputation other than a glorified saint-boy. "He wasn't as rich or anything, I mean his family had some money, but he just knew how to talk to girls," he second guessed and thought he may be revealing too much. "I don't mean to top your story or anything. I'm just saying I understand."

Sarah replied, "Hmm well you probably don't since that sort of thing hasn't happened to you has it?" Kevin shrugged without any intention of explaining. "Yeah I thought so. It's okay though." Slightly arrogant.

"So just out of curiosity, Sarah," it was Kevin's turn now. "Why did you care so much about Kendra talking to me?" Sarah paused and kept eye contact for a few extra seconds before turned red and shuffling in her seat. The ball was in her court now. He stared challengingly as she took a sip from her Chronos Coffee cup of coffee.

After her face cleared from the redness, she answered, "Well," she hesitated, "Well I mean you're pretty cool and like having you around. Everyone else likes you too. Cathy, Aaron, and Robert, Christopher too – wouldn't want you to be bought and robbed from the group." She smiled. It was a clever way of wording it.

"You think I could just be bought and paid for like that?" Kevin followed up. The answer didn't matter. He was just curious if he could get her to admit that she liked him – an ego stroke never hurt.

"Let's just say that prissy little glitter whore has taken enough from enough people." She smiled deviously in a rather unsettling way. "I wouldn't bat an eye if she got hit by a car or something," she laughed. Kevin wasn't sure if she was joking or not but it was definitely something he'd keep in mind. "Nah I'm just kidding. Kind of. I just don't like her. She uses people. She's remorseless and she gets away with it. Fuck her. But not literally."

Kevin couldn't help but to relate to a degree. Joshua was a horrible person at heart, used people in a more direct way, hurt people – killed someone – and would have otherwise gotten away with all of it. Not necessarily saying that Kendra would be deserving of the same fate, but if Sarah felt similar to how Kevin felt about Joshua, well, it was understandable.

The two of them talked some more as the late afternoon turned into an early evening. Their coffee cups remained empty as the conversation migrated from Kendra to politics to Anthony Michaels and his latest Royal sellout campaign with some off the wall company called Dargle. It felt like a normal conversation and turned into one of the increasingly frequent times he felt less like a fugitive and more like a human being.

That was until the door to Chronos Coffee opened up. After a cold winter breeze invaded the warm coffee house, a police officer casually walked in – perhaps on his break. Kevin watched as the officer walked across the floor, his badge reflecting off of the incandescent lights, muscular, sunglasses and armed. What he wouldn't give to know who was sitting in that very room. He ordered an iced passion fruit tea. While waiting for his tea to be brewed, he browsed the coffee displays on the walls and the counters, perhaps contemplating whether or not to take some fresh coffee ground home with him. He decided not to and sat in a chair no more than ten feet from Kevin. Sarah's words trailed into nothingness as Kevin's attention covertly diverted to the cop's every move. Don't make any sudden movements. The officer had no reason to suspect anything. Right? Kevin peered at the officer through the corner of his eye only to see the cop staring directly at him. Not near him. Not around him. Directly at him.

He knows. Kevin's heart rate increased. He tried to control his breathing. The booming voice from the barista across the room yelled, "Iced passion fruit tea for Kane!"

The police officer stood up and walked towards the counter. Step by step, Kevin watched as he picked up his iced tea, took a sip, and left. He was gone.

"...three, maybe four people have it that I know of. It's kind of cool I guess. Maybe I'll get it if you get it," Sarah continued from whatever she was talking about. Kevin sighed in relief and looked back at Sarah who seemed to have not even noticed. No one noticed. No one saw. No one cared. Kevin had won again. "So? Will you get it?"

In Plain Sight - Part 1Where stories live. Discover now