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It was a peaceful Saturday afternoon as Sarah peered outside through the windows of the Avery residence. Their house was clean. Spotless. Not a flake of dust anywhere. Ian Avery used to live here. The thought almost gave her chills. The coffee table next to her had a photo of a young Ian Avery. He looked so innocent. Both Daniel and Laura, Ian Avery's parents, sat across from her at their dining room table, "I just want to thank you again for agree to do this-"

Laura interrupted, "Oh it's no problem at all. You're not the news or media or paparazzi or something and you seem like a good girl. Of course," she replied readily.

"Okay great. So generally, I mean, what was your son like as a person? And listen, if at any point I overstep any bounds with my questions, please let me know," they nodded compliantly. "Did he show any signs at all that he might do what he did? And if you can, please tell me what you know about Rebecca Rowen and Joshua Rhuvan – only if you're comfortable, I don't want to be invasive," Sarah asked carefully.

Laura smiled and answered, "Ian was the sweetest boy. Honestly I would never have thought that he could ever kill anyone. At first we didn't even believe it, but we saw the pictures and the coverage –" she paused, "Rebecca was his girlfriend and they were the cutest couple you could imagine."

Daniel chimed in, "He was going to ask her to marry him the next Groundhog Day which would have actually been last year. Groundhog Day just passed this year but it was kind of their thing. She was a good girl too and the rape allegations," he shook his head,  "I don't think they're true. I honestly cannot see a scenario where Ian would be the one to sexually assault Rebecca. I mean, we never had much of a talk to him about it, but I mean, they were crazy in love, completely into each other in every way – something tells me everything was completely consensual." He said as Laura rolled her eyes, "I think there was more to it than what was initially reported. Again, neither of us thought he had it in him to kill anybody so clearly we may have been a little off with what we thought he was capable of – but sexually assaulting Rebecca? I don't think that happened."

"Joshua," Laura added, "He went to high school with Ian. He was always, I mean I know he's dead and I hate to propagate this idea but he was always a bit of an asshole kid. Know what I mean? The good at sports, has a lot of girlfriends that he disrespects, but besides his grades and extra-curricular activities, Ian never really liked him. A lot of boys didn't to be honest."

Sarah scribbled more notes down. Daniel continued, "And our son hated guns. That, I don't get. If it were my guess, I'd say maybe Joshua pulled a gun on Rebecca, Ian knocked it out of the way, or something. I really don't know the details any more than anyone else does, but I guess that's why you're here." Sarah pressed the home button to check the time on her phone.

Laura glanced over and saw Sarah's lock screen – it was a picture of Sarah and Kevin. Her eyes locked onto Kevin's face. Daniel got a glance as well, and his eyes locked onto it. "Is – is that you and your boyfriend?" Laura took her phone to look at the picture closer. Sarah was surprised by the lack of permission to touch her belongings but, then again, she was in their home. She was also taken aback by their random interest in guy she was semi-dating.

"Well I mean we're not together but he's a really good friend of mine. His name is Kevin," she said. Laura and Daniel stared at the picture of Sarah and Kevin. The stared intently as Daniel's jaw began to drop slowly and slightly. Laura's eyes narrowed. The two of them glanced at each other as if communicating telepathically. Sarah looked at them cautiously since they seem to have an emotional reaction to her selfie with Kevin, "Is everything okay?" she asked in a concerned manner.

Laura's eyes snapped back at Sarah and she gave her phone back, "Yes everything is fine. I just thought I saw – something – Never mind. Kevin is a very handsome boy," Laura's eye began to mist over. Sarah felt confused and slightly uncomfortable that Ian Avery's parents were so fond of her picture with Kevin. "Do you have any other questions for us?" Laura asked with a strangely hopeful smile. "What information do you need?"

After another hour and a cup of coffee later, Sarah received as much personal information as she was able to extract. Details about his childhood, his high school life, Rebecca – Daniel and Laura seemed profoundly surprised about the Ian appearance in Las Vegas the previous year as well, a conversation based on speculation ensued. Friendly, but determined. Sarah had information that the mainstream media could never have obtained. Both Daniel and Laura seemed extraordinarily pleased to help her – despite their occasional odd mannerisms. Sarah tried to contain her excitement. No matter how small or insignificant these new bits of exclusive information were, she was at that point in time, the only one who knew the most about the Ian Avery case. She was at the cutting edge. That job shadow opportunity was hers. "Thank you so much for letting me interview you. It means so much to me. Thank you."

"Oh absolutely, Sarah, we're glad to help. Good luck with the job shadow," Daniel replied as she showed her to the door.

"And Sarah," Laura added, "If you ever find Ian, which I'm sure you will since you're so dedicated to this case, no matter what happens to him, please tell him that his parents love him and miss him. Tell him that we understand." Laura gave Sarah a tight long hug and she was gone. Sarah departed both excited for the information she received – and confused about Laura's request.

The door closed behind her. Laura closed her eyes and then turned around to look at Daniel. "You saw that, right? You saw what I saw, right?" She walked up to him, "He –"

Daniel's eyes began to tear as he wrapped his arms around Laura. His voice was shaking as spoke through a trembling smile, "I think – I think our boy is okay, sweetheart. I think our boy is okay!"

In Plain Sight - Part 1Where stories live. Discover now