Part Two

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I stood with my arms crossed, staring at the girl through the one way glass. There was something about her that just made me... well, it didn't make me feel great. Maybe it was how she held herself, like she didn't even care that people were dying. Maybe it was how she looked at JJ, lingering just a little too long on her lips when she spoke. Or maybe it was who she reminded me of. The way she flirted, the nickname, the... overt sexuality. The memory was still fresh in my mind, of Cat Adams. I just wanted to solve this and leave, hopefully to never see Y/N Y/L/N ever again. Luke appeared in the station fifteen minutes and thirty two seconds after Emily got off the phone with him, and he looked like he was having a hell of a better day than I was. He brushed past me, flashing me a grin and waving something. It was... a piece of paper? No, a photograph, but it was folded so I couldn't see what it was. Whatever it was, Luke showed it to Y/N, prompting an immediate and emotional response.


This next agent was shorter than Squirrel, but not as thin. He has curly black hair, and I decided I'd call him Curls.

"I'm Supervisory Special Agent Luke Alvez," or not "what can you tell me about this?" He placed something in front of me. I figured it was another crime scene photo, trying to get me to confess by grossing me out or something, but then I noticed something. Just out of my peripheral vision, it was almost familiar... and then I realized, and I felt my heart drop. Almost as if it had a mind of it's own, my hand shot up to cover my mouth, muffling the sobs that had so suddenly and completely taken hold of me. With my free hand, I lifted the image up. It was her, my girlfriend who had been so unceremoniously taken from me. Agent Alvez didn't make a move to comfort me, but I could see his eyes soften. Well, there was no point in pretending I didn't know her now. 

I cleared my throat and wiped my eyes. "Her name is-" I stopped, "-was, Kelsey Kook she... she was my girlfriend." 

Agent Alvez frowned. "Why didn't you identify her initially?"

I bit my lips, unsure if I wanted to tell him the truth. I knew I let my emotions get the better of me sometimes, every partner I ever had made that crystal clear. Or, every partner except Kelsey. They didn't need to know every detail of our lives but, they were the FBI right? They had to be more competent than the LAPD, hopefully less corrupt. 

"Honestly?" I sighed, absent mindedly rubbing circles in my palm. "I was scared, and... angry. I didn't think the police would care, I didn't want her to just be another dead girl." I looked away from the agent, over his shoulder and at the mirror, or rather, window. I was almost certain Squirrel was standing behind it, observing the proceedings, judging me. I shot a glare in that direction, silently praying I didn't just scowl at no one. I turned back to Agent Curls. "I did extensive background checks on all of the victims, including Kelsey, and the closest thing to a connection I could find was they all called different pest control companies in the days before their deaths about noises in their walls."

Alvez frowned, crossing his arms. "The police didn't find any evidence of pest control visiting the houses of any of the victims."

I sat forward, setting my hands on the table, "That's just the thing, only a couple hours later, the companies received phone calls from a the same number claiming it was a false alarm, but the person who called back? Was a man."

Curls smirked at me, raising an eyebrow. "That's a lot of information for a background check."

My face flushed. "I may have... gained access to the transcripts of the companies..."

"Miss Y/L/N, you do realize that that's illegal, right?"

I gritted my teeth. "I don't care what happens to me, just find the bastard the killed Kelsey." I crossed my arms, "And if I were you, I'd start by finding out what the noise in her walls was."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2020 ⏰

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