Going Back Home

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In a playground full of activities and sounds filled with children who are maturing into teenagers who are expressing their emotions in this play area. The seesaw that squeaked, the Serodotan whose base is as thin as an answer sheet, and the metal frame that was shaped often to be called a children's play area. And from a distance, there was a child with shoulder-length hair with a languid face playing on a swing. The boy is named Gaby.

Gaby silently immersed himself in a swing dreaming of something toward the crowd of children playing with his friends. The more fun the children played, the faster they swung their legs so they could swing higher with a little joy. Suddenly the swing started to slow down. Those whom Gaby looked at were now looking back at Gaby. Gaby saw one person had just coordinated something to the other kids and was talking something while pointing at him.

Slowly Gaby tried to stop the swing with the tips of her feet that were just barely touching the ground. Gaby shouldn't have opted for an adult-sized swing. Gaby knew at this speed that if he jumped he would be doomed. Little by little he stopped the swing as well as the children who slowly walked towards him with cynical eyes.

Suddenly Gaby's swing was immediately stopped by someone and immediately pushed Gaby so strongly that he fell to the ground. Gaby was covered in dirt and scratches on his hands and knees from the incident. Gaby groaned in pain seeing his heels seen fresh blood flowing from being hit by the edge of the rock which was a stepping stone to climb the swing.

The children immediately surrounded him with such a face without the slightest pity for what he was experiencing. A man came out from the middle of the crowd with a taller posture. Maybe if Gaby put his height together, Gaby's face could stick to his chest. The boys grabbed Gaby by the collar and pulled her up and said "You weird, handicapped kid. Crazy bitch. What are you doing here? Hurry up and go back to your ugly house". Gaby knows that he is not accepted in this environment because of his physical appearance that looks foreign to their eyes and also his right hand which only has 3 fingers due to a gene mutation that makes his hands look like those of a frog. Gaby with all his strength immediately spat in his face and Gaby was slammed by the boy and landed on the ground with his head hit first.

Gaby held her head which was sore and dizzy. Now the pain is increasing in his stomach because of the man's kick as well as the children who had been around him also beating him. Gaby desperately protected parts of his body.

Gaby is no longer strong. He immediately woke up while holding a rock randomly where he hit it randomly. The children started to get scared and stepped back a little to distance themselves. The stone that was in Gaby's hand suddenly came loose and hit the head of a child which made him unconscious and the blood from the stone's scratches was pouring down his head. All the children suddenly fell silent seeing their friend who was lying slightly twitched for help.

Gaby knew that this would be fatal. He immediately ran into the forest with his fast. Sure enough, when he looked back the children immediately chased him violently.

Gaby ran as fast as possible toward paths they could not go through such as crevices with large roots, steep hills, and rivers with fast flow. Gaby had run as hard as possible and as far as possible but none of them faltered and gave up. Gaby was not strong anymore, he had to think of a plan to be free from their pursuit. Gaby saw a huge tree with an invisible top and underneath there was a gap. Gaby immediately tried to get in even though his head was slightly stuck. but finally got in too. It turned out that the gap he had entered was a fairly large hole. Gaby immediately hid in the shadows and buried himself between the roots and broken branches.

With the wind blowing as quietly as possible, he tried to control his breath as calmly as possible and moved as silent as a rock. He peered around with his ear. He heard the children were near the tree and looking for him. He also felt someone lurking into the tree hole and tried to reach out his hand to reach something inside. The boy's hand almost grabbed his leg.

Suddenly there was a loud sound falling from the top of the tree which made the children run around in disorder. Gaby felt a little calm and worry. Calm down because he was not being chased by the children. And worrying about what had just happened fell from the top of the tree and made the angry children run scrambling. His heart and mind began to frantically think about it. Gaby's consciousness gradually started to disappear.

* * *

Gaby woke up suddenly and saw someone standing staring at him slightly bent over with a bulge on his back. Gaby knew that it wasn't human in front of him because the stature of his body was not human. Gaby froze when her eyes were so sharp she was glowing bright green. Gaby couldn't move. The creature began to approach and point his hand towards his face. Gaby saw that her hands were familiar to her eyes. Gaby smiled at him.


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