
95 2 0

Y/n - your name
C/n - crush's name
F/n - friend's name
F'bf/n - friends boyfriend's name



"Come on y/n, please come with me..!" f/n asks, pouting her bottom lip.

"Fine. But I swear if they don't have chocolate mint then I'll leave" I said giggling.

As we walk down the high street onto the carry-on road, down to the diner, I spot a motorbike. "Whose is that, f/n?" I ask, turning my head to face her. She doesn't reply, as if she knows something.

We make it to the door, and I see a familiar face. Uh oh.

That was his motorbike.

"No, nuh uh. I'm not going in there!" I say sturnly. She still doesn't reply. I realised that she had already gone inside and was talking to the boys, one of them being my crush.

She smiles and looks over at me, pointing. She come to the door, "come on y/n! He wants to see you."

I was so confused, why would he want to see me? He barely notices me at school, and through the amount of girls he's seen, I don't blame him. I'm a mess and not nearly half as pretty.

I adjust my hair and walk behind f/n into the diner. As we head over, I see his eyes light up. I look behind me to see what chick he was staring at now, but no one except an old man reading a newspaper was there. I found that a bit odd.

"Hey y/n! Nice to see you again." He says, smiling.

"Hey, you too."

Funnily enough, f/n goes up to order the milkshakes and funnily enough, f'bf/n goes up as well, 'to help carry the drinks over'.

We all know now that, that is not true. It takes about 5 minutes to prepare the drinks so they thought they would leave us alone. Together.

"So... you look nice today!" He chirps up, smiling again.

"Thank you..?" I say, not sure if that was meant to be an insult to what I look like everyday.

"I mean- you look nice everyday! I uh-" he says looking over to f'bf/n and after seeing that he puts a thumb up, c/n turns back to me.

"Thank you.."

The awkward/comfortable kind of silence had finished when the drinks came. There was no chocolate mint.

"Sorry y/n and c/n, they had no chocolate mint left."

"What!?" We both said in unison. We both turned to look at each other, and burst out into giggles. I smiled at him, and I could see his face go red. I don't know why, but.

F/n spoke up, "so..." And started babbling on about college next year.

It had just struck 12 and it was time to go home. Don't ask why we stayed till late. I don't know either.

"Sorry y/n, f'bf/n is taking me home. You'll have to walk.." she said, staring at c/n.

F/n is really overprotective so I knew what she meant when she looked at c/n.

"Oh uh- no worries! I'll take you home!" C/n says, smiling. A huge grin grew on f/n face, and soon after they both left. It was just me and him now.

"So where's your car?" I ask.

"Right here, although it's not a car." I look to where's he pointing at. Omg, that's his motorbike. Oh no!

"Don't be scared!" He says, rubbing my shoulder, gently. There was a slight shiver descending down my arm and I knew he felt it too.

"Oh uh- sorry!" He spoke rubbing the back of his neck.


We were riding, down the high way, and he asks, "do you want to go somewhere?"

"Sure! When?" I ask smiling, although he can see that because we have heavy helmets on.

"Now." He said in more soft tone. It was so dreamy, I think it made me drool-

"S-sure." I say, speaking in the same tone. I feel his back tense as I spoke.

As we arrive, I noticed that we at the cliff tops. The sun was starting to rise and it was beautiful. I sat down on the pale, spring grass and sigh.

"Wow that's beautiful.." I say under my breath.

"So are you.." he mumbles, whole taking his helmet off. I was mesmerised as he flicked his hair around. His eyes lit up as he saw the sun.

"Wow.." he spoke.

We started talking for a while when all of a sudden, he goes, "you're different, you know..".

I smile.

"Y/n, seriously. You make me smile whenever I see you. It's not about looks, and even though you're hot, I realise that there's more than looks. And you're just the sweetest and the most shy girl I've met, and it's- it's adorable.."

I blush, yet I feel warm. Maybe he's confessing.

What! No!!

"That's very kind of you, c/n." I smile at him. We're laying on the grass, and he sits up.

"What's wrong..?" I ask, sitting up.

"Just thinking.." he looks away and sighs

"About what, c/n?"

Time stops, and he kisses me.

He fucking kissed me!!! Eeeeeeeeekkkkk

"Thinking about that.." he says, breathing heavily.

"Wow...I mean- uh- you're a good kisser I mean- wow" I say, face palming into my hands.

He hooks his finger under my chin, and looks at me. He starts chuckling then leans closer. And kisses me again. This time it wasn't like the first, wasn't as hungry. It was more passionate.

He pulls away and smiles.

I blush, and smile, leaning into his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me.



"What are we?"

"Whatever you want us to be.."

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