The rat in the room

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"AVADA KEDAVRA!" Voldemort shouted.
They were dead, James and lily potter were dead. The baby in the crib did not made a sound until now, a loud weep came from him. Dumbledore apparates and the small man transfigured onto an even smaller animal a rat. While Voldemort was not found.

"Show your true self Peter," Dumbledore started, "I know that you are in here!"
Sirius and Remus run into the room. Remus lifts Harry out of his crib and he instantly stops crying, while on the other side of the room Sirius is holding Wormtail by his tail. Dumbledore takes Harry and yet again apparates but says "I will take care of Harry as if he was my own, I will see you three in a few weeks at a hearing."


"Sirius calm down, we have done nothing wrong as
long and we keep a eye on Peter it will be fine."

"Ok but how do u explain the scar on his head?"

"Sirius I have just as much clue of what is going on as you we can write to Dumbledore and ask."

"Ok fine!"

Dear Dumbledore
Sirius and I were wondering what happened and if you could explain the new scar on his forehead that has suddenly appeared. If I remember correctly it is the wrist movement of well.. avada kedavra. -Remus and Sirius

A few days later they get a reply, it wasn't a howler nor a normal letter it came in on a purple piece of flying paper. They grab item, slowly open it Remus starts to read it

I am sure that you have loads of questions and Remus yes you are correct. Voldemort did kill lily and James with the avada kedavra curse and tried to kill Harry who yes is safe but Harry survived and Voldemort hasn't been spotted since. Baby Harry has saved the wizards over the world
See you soon -Dumbledore

Sirius's jaw had dropped. "he survived the most deadly curse that has ever been used. And by you know who.. wow!"
"He is a very powerful wizard already and he is only 15 months old." Remus proclaimed

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