In the begining

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you had just left the academy when you started working for the bau everyone noticed you quickly when you walked in for the first time your first interaction with anyone was Derek Morgan he walked  up to you and said "hey I'm Derek welcome how old are you you look young" you answered "I am 25 turning 26 in 2 months" he said "you must be smart then" you just say " yeah iq of 178 is smart you could say" as you walk to your desk as you smirked, and waved to everyone that was standing by the coffee machine .you were so excited to work here you set up your desk ,and saw someone out of the corner of your eye walk by you only saw him for a second but wow he is hot was the first thing you thought you saw the name spencer on the desk behind you so you assumed that was him you thought to yourself siting that close to him is going to be so distracting .your first case was very heavy on you a child murderur that was killing for years . spencer noticed how shaken you were so after the case he helped make you feel better by sitting next too you on the plane ride home and said some very calming words "don't beat yourself up over those that you couldn't save think of all the lives you saved by catching the unsub" .you got super shy and thought wow he is cute,kind and smart but you couldn't act weird so you said "thank you" and then you apologized for not having officially introduced yourself to him he put his hand out and said "well I'm dr.spencer Reid" with a chuckle you shook his hand and replied with "I'm agent y/f/n but you can call me y/n" after shaking hands you said "wow you look way younger than everyone else around here" he replied "yeah I'm 26 I have been working here 3 years" " I'm 25 so you must be so smart if you started working here at 23" you said .after that you went back and forth with him about how you were both very smart and how interesting his past cases had been .you talked to him til the plane landed. when you got back to the office you had learned so much about each other in the few hours you were on the plane. he introduced you better to everyone saying hello to Emily prentiss , Penelope garcia (who you found odd but very funny) and Jennifer jareau but everyone calls her jj and lastly Derek morgan again who was very nice this time around .everyone was very tired so they left quickly .you poped your head into agent hotchners office and told him that you are settling in very nicely he said "that is very good agent go home you need rest after this case" .you were so tired you could barely drive when you got to your apartment building the door wouldn't open so you knocked on your neighbors door .almost like fate Spencer opens the door caught by surprise you say "I'm so sorry but my door won't open I didn't know you live here" he seems suprised as well  your heart was racing thinking omg how am I going to be living next door to him .he replied with " this is going to be fun and the nob just needs to be shaked while you push it" he watched you do it and the door opens you do an awkward smile at him and said "ok I will stop bothering you good night" he smiles back and says "get some sleep y/n"and closes the door .you throw yourself into bed and think omg how am I going to live with seeing him all day everyday this will be fun...

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