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It's been 1 year. 1 year since I lost the love of my life.

June 6th
Today started off great. I woke up, hopped in the shower and got ready. While I was doing my hair I got a text from beautiful boyfriend Josh.

joshie bae💕

joshie bae💕
heyy, good morning sleepy head<3

good morning to you too my love💞
we hanging out today?

joshie bae💕
yess we are but it's gonna have to be later on cause my mom wants to take us to see my grandma:)

okay:) hope you have fun.
text me when you're on your way to my house.

joshie bae💕
okay see you later
i love you❤️

i love you too❤️

After I was done doing my hair I decided to do something for Josh. We had been dating since 8th grade and we just finished sophomore year a couple days ago.

Josh always surprised me with gifts and cute dates every once in a while so I wanted to do the same for him. I went down stairs grabbed my key and headed out. I got into my precious car (white convertible mini cooper) and drove to the mall. I got him some shoes that he had been wanting for a while, some clothes, and a ring with our anniversary date on it since he had gotten me the same thing but on a necklace.

It was around 5 pm when I got home. I started rapping the gifts I got him and waited for his text that we was on his way.

It was now 7 pm and he still hasn't texted me. I didn't think much of it. So I decided to take a shower while I was waiting. Once I was done I got out, got dressed into a black crop top and some grey sweat pants. I was brushing my hair when I got a call...
the call that broke my heart

I picked up the phone and it was Joshs mom.

"hey sweetie it's Judy, um I just wanted to let you know that Josh won't be going over to your place tonight"

"hey Judy. Do you mind me asking why, did something happen? what's going on?"

"sweetheart, i'm so sorry you had to find out this way but..."

"but what, what happened to Josh?!?"

"Josh got into a car accident and is in the hospital, and we don't know if he's going to make it"

I was speechless. There were tears forming in my eyes as I was on the phone. Then words finally came out of my mouth.

"i'm on my way, what hospital?"

"JFK, but please be careful there's a storm coming our way"
(idk i just said one of my local hospitals)

"yeah okay, i'll be there in bit"

I hung up the phone, grabbed my keys and drove to the hospital.

As I was driving all the memories of Josh started flowing back. The day we first met. Our first kiss. The day he asked me to be his girlfriend. The night we lost our virginity to each other.

I got to the hospital and ran in. I walked into the waiting room of the 7th floor where Josh was and his mom. I walked up to her and hugged her. Then she said it...

he's gone

After those words came out of her mouth I felt my heart shattered into millions of pieces. I fell to floor balling my eyes out. I couldn't believe he was gone, the love of my life was gone...

End of flashback

After Joshs death I fell into a really dark place. I wouldn't eat and if I did it would only be a small portion. I started doing drugs, it helps me with the pain. The drugs do good and bad for me. They help with the pain but sometimes they're too strong and I start hallucinating and think Josh is next to me, cuddling me, kissing me, telling me he loves me.

My mom put me into therapy, she thinks it's helping me but it's absolute bullshit. Idk if I introduce myself already, my name's Chantel, i'm fully Mexican and proud. As you can tell it's been a rough year.

Jimena's note:)
hey, hope you're enjoying this story so far. this is a mattia fanfic but I wanted to tell chantels past first. this is my first story so sorry if it's not good. if you see any spelling errors or bad grammar please tell me!! don't for get to vote and give me feedback on the chapter<33

broken heart repair - Mattia fanfic Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang