Quotes 101

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1.Everything happens for a reason but sometimes reasons are not enough to explain why everything happens .

2. Its better to accept the fact that I am not appreciated than to insist myself to someone who never see my worth .

3. When you pray for others GOD listens to you and blesses them when you are happy and feel blessed REMEMBER someone has prayed for you too , make your living a life that counts .

4. I would like to go back to my childhood days and play hide ang seek everyday , because it feels so nice to hear somebody say : FINALLY , I FOUND YOU .

5. It's completely hard to trust someone when everytime yu try too , they start to lie again what I've learned ? " just listen , but don't bother believing .

6. Don't et other people be the cause of your misery you don't have to prove anything to anyone , only " idiots " would think that you have an obligation to please them .

7. God is the reason why even in pain , we smile even in sorrow , we believe even in fear we continue to fight .

8. I don't wish to be the everything of averyone but I would like to be the " ONLY ONE " of my special one .

9. Life is full of FAKE people but before you decide to judge them , make sure you are not of them .

10. A person who really loves you is the one who says what a mess you can , how hard you rae to handle , but still wants you to be in his life .


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