Chapter 1

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Me and Millie have recently moved in with german and Violetta as german insisted, millie is still 12 and still her adorable little self and Violetta have come back from tour we are all one big happy family, tomorrow a social worker is coming, I don't know why just to check if the environment is safe for millie but it took them long enough to come it's only been 6 years, this is how violent people get away with things it disgusts me.

Millie likes this boy called Connor she Denys it but I'm her mother she can't lie to me, I find it adorable her first crush and german and me well we are inseparable, german secretly protects millie like the over protective father he was to Vilu but Denys it. Millie looks at him as a father figure but they both won't admit it as they both to shy which i find cute.

Anyway me and Millie are walking in the park with Violetta as germans in a meeting, I hug millie into my side as we walk and we talk about everything that comes to mind until we see that girl Sam, ugh I cannot stand that girl, I can see millie trying to ignore the fact that she's there but her eyes kept looking at her.

I explained everything to Vilu as she looked puzzled at us both and after that Vilu looked the same way I did towards her but millie stopped, I looked at why and I saw that girl same kissing a boy which I'm guessing by Millie's facial expression is Connor, -millie..- I started but she smiled a fake smile and just pretended she didn't see nothing and carried on walking.

-Are you okay..- Vilu asked stopping both me and Millie, millie just smiled at Vilu and nodded, -I just want to go back home..- she muttered trying to sound her normal sense but as a mother and a sister me and Vilu knew she weren't okay, I squeezed her into me and we just headed Home but I weren't going to just let her be sad on her own up in her room I was going to go with her as she does this all the time keep her self to her self and that's what happened to her when she was getting bullied.

We arrived home and Millie walked slowly to her room and I told Vilu to make sure no one disturbs us and I went up to her room too.

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