Chapter 3

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After cheering millie up we both headed downstairs where german was trying to set up something on the tv, once we got closer we realised he bought a wii, which is just this thing where you play games on and play with family, he smiled when he saw us and I sat down by the settee watching him while millie was happy as German told her that we can all have a family game night.

Violetta come in and sat down with me and Millie and before we knew it german set it up and put a game on, it was a simple game like a bored game but in the tv and it had all sorts of twists and turns, millie was up first then Vilu, me and German.

-----time skip-----

After an hour of game we all become competitive and we're having a really good time but after a little while we all settled down and relaxed, -that was fun..- Millie muttered and we all agreed. German was the most competitive which was hilarious for us to watch him lose.

-we beat him easily..- Violetta said winding german up and Millie laughed and agreed, I couldn't help but smile to but german looked over at them and raised his eyebrows teasingly, -I let you both win..- he said defensive which made the girls laugh and he let out a little chuckle to but stood up and walked over to them and with his two hands he tickled them like mad, they both were laughing their heads off and I was smiling wide watching them and recorded the moment on my phone.

-rematch tomorrow, I'll win..- he said as he carried on to tickle them until the girls surrendered, they both were out of breath from laughing and I just laughed at how exhausted they both were.

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