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Its January 22. Another tough day at school... the bullies got me again. They never stop, every day they need to pick me. They stole my notebooks and pens, they were new and i got them from my grandmother, my only notebook by the way. I searched help sometimes but the teachers won't help me, my parents aren't around to help me either. They are always at their jobs and they always come home late.  Its like they don't even care about what's happening to their son.

The only one who really helps me is my grandmother. But she is in the hospital, she had a heart attack this morning. I'm concerned. She said it may be over for her, i dont want to be alone again. I always feel alone unless my grandmother is here.

Nothing is getting better in my life, it's only getting worse. My grades are going backwards, I get headaches, I feel sick. If only this could all go away. I want change, i want to live a different life. But only if i knew how to.. I am trying my best but nothing seems to work. Maybe I'm doomed to be this way forever. Let's not hope so.

its 12 am Midnight. Here I am, laying in my bed. Thinking about how awesome it would be if I could use magic, be a sorcerer, explore the world. That's defenitly my wish. That I'll be the best sorcerer there ever was. I want to be a Legend. I'm getting sleepy, i think: "Goodnight world, and see you tomorrow."  

While I fell asleep a purple light gazed trough the sky, coming from the Arisco Comet that soares over the world once every 100 years. I was going to watch it with my grandmother, but i guess that is not going to happen.. another missfortune in my life. It really is a shame that I missed it, but what happened after. Was a whole new beginning.

This is the beginning of my story, it is my 1st fanfic and story I ever wrote and am still writing. So i hope for good feedback :D 

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