Chapter Three

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cursing, perverted thoughts, slapping, "puppy play" (that's in quotes for a reason) mentions of sickness/terminal issues.

Tony stared at Peter, eyes dark with a lust filled rage. The boy in front of him shook violently with what he could only assume was fear. “I know you won’t tell anyone. You know better than to do that. Right?” Tony tilted his head before leaning forward and kissing the boy once more. He wouldn’t deny that he enjoyed how Peter flinched back and cried in fear. A part of Tony liked knowing that he could make someone terrified with just one word. Morbid curiosity rose inside of him as he pulled back glancing down at the collar. It was tight around Peter's neck, pushing just enough so the bruises would ache with each move the boy made, dyed black with an outline of pink surrounding it. Steve had brought his dog over for Tony to watch while he went on some mission with Shield and when he came to collect her he forgot the collar. Finally, Tony had some use for it. The room now filled to the brim with silence he let out a sigh standing himself up. Leaning down he grabbed the chain, disconnecting it from the floor but keeping it attached to Peter. He looked adorable, face flushed with embarrassment and the slightest bit of anger. He could try all he wanted to hide it but Tony could see the anger that hid behind the fear waiting for the right moment to attack, A small grin found its way onto his face as he heard Peter gasp when Tony began to drag him along making him walk like a dog. Now, it wasn’t that Tony was into puppy play, that really wasn’t his thing. But he wanted to degrade Peter and humiliate him. Bring him down to the level of a dog and to show him that he was nothing. He didn’t know why he wanted to hurt the boy so badly. He could go and find any whore to bring home and take his anger out on but.... Peter came to him. Tony walked into his room to find a present waiting for him to unwrap. When he first saw that somebody was in his room he was angry, infuriated really, he had planned to beat the person before shooting them. A lot of things could be leaked to the public and Tony wouldn’t care but this would ruin him. No matter how good of a lawyer he bought, no one could erase the DNA all over the woman. However when he pulled back that dirty hood and saw Peters face he only felt one thing. A disgusting amount of want, a want to keep the boy all for himself. Peter was going to be his and no one else's and for what reason? He wasn’t sure.

Shaking his head, Tony tugged at the leash before stepping into the elevator dragging Peter with him. The boy struggled to keep pace, letting out small whines of discomfort when the collar pushed against one of the bruises too harshly. He watched the way Peters knees began to shake, the bones becoming too exhausted to keep him steady. Dark thoughts once again began to sneak inside him flooding out any sane thoughts. With an annoyed groan he pushed the ideas out of his head. Taking out his phone, Tony leaned against the wall with a sigh. “Jarvis, give me what you have on Peter.” He had it pulled up on his phone but would rather scare Peter then read it silently. 

“Peter Parker, 16, was six years old when his parents died in a plane crash, lived with his Uncle, Benjamin Parker and Aunt, May Parker. Lived with May Parker after Benjamin Parker was killed in a home invasion. Peter attends Midtown School of Science and Technology. He has a clean criminal record but has been to the school staff multiple times concerning a boy named Eugene Flash Thompson. Would you like me to read you the police reports?” Jarvis asked, voice echoing softly throughout the elevator.

Tony watched with pure enjoyment as Peter went from looking scared to downright terrified. Leaning down a little, Tony ran his hand through the mess of curls that laid tangled on the boy's head. He pushed the hair out of Peter's eyes staring directly into them as he spoke. “No, that’s fine Jarvis. Him and I can talk about that later.” He continued to play with Peter's hair until the doors opened. Once again, he grabbed onto the leash and dragged the shaking teenager along until they stopped at the foot of Tonys bed. “Stay.” Tony instructed, still staring down at the boy struggling to contain the darker thoughts that had begun to resurface. Each one popped up in front of him screaming and begging to be let loose. He could gag Peter and tie him against the bed and just leave him there for days, he could lock him in a closet and throw away the key, the point was that he could do a lot of things. But for what reason? Blinking, he knelt down in front of Peter taking the leash off of his neck. “So what was worth the risk of breaking into here? Surely you aren’t doing this just for fun?” Tony asked, tilting his head with a small smile. He watched as Peter tried to avoid his gaze training his eyes onto the carpet below them. “Someone sick? You dying?” He grabbed Peter's jaw in a not so soft grip forcing him to look up at him. 

I'll Do My Best Not To Be My Worst (Starker eventually Tony, Peter, Steve)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora