Chapter five

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While Peter wasn’t surprised that he awoke from another nightmare it still scared him. This one had started off with him riding on a plane with his parents and ended with him watching the plane crash. Of course that was how his parents died, a plane crash, but he wasn’t there to witness it. When he had gotten news of what had happened he had broken down and didn’t speak to anyone for weeks. That was until he opened up to Uncle Ben. Wincing, Peter shook his head and tried to sit up. Two arms wrapped around his waist stopped him from doing so. Fucking Tony. While he was extremely grateful for the shirt all he wanted to do was get up and run. The weight of everything seemed to hit Peter all at once, leaving him silently sobbing into his arms. He tried his hardest not to shake or wake up Tony. He didn’t need that to. He didn’t know why he was crying so much but he wished he could stop. Peter tensed as Tony squeezed him tightly, freezing in place. “Shut the fuck up, stop crying before i give you a reason to cry.” Tony had his face buried in Peter's neck. He shut his eyes tightly, afraid of what was going to happen.  “It’s 5am, i’m tired and you have to be exhausted at this point. Stop crying and go to bed and i’ll let you have a phone call with your fucking aunt. Make one more fucking noise and you can kiss that message goodbye.” He felt the man take in a deep breath before he continued. “So go the fuck to sleep.”

Peter gave a shaky nod in response not daring to make a noise. It did take a while for him to get to sleep, eventually curling up into a ball and pulling the blankets up into a soft bundle in his arms. For once, Peter was dreaming of good things, his mind trying to soothe him after the ordeal he’d been through. He felt so much better. Peter would later regret letting his guard down so quickly.

He didn’t dream that night.

Jarvis was speaking, he was reading out something? The time maybe? The date? Peter wasn’t sure, but all he did know was that he was tired and did not want to get out of bed. Maybe he hadn’t processed everything or maybe he just didn’t care, but he let out a soft whine and hid his face in the pillows. He was curled up tightly, arms wrapped around his chest, the bruises and hickies that covered his body now completely formed. He was aware that someone was talking, someone that wasn’t Jarvis but he tried to ignore it. Peter felt exhausted. He was out of it when someone jabbed their finger into his cheek, a frown quickly forming on his face. He opened his eyes and jumped up quickly staring with wide eyes at Tony. He watched confused as the man spoke completely able to hear him but not yet able to make it out. He was still a little out of it. Rubbing his eyes Peter shook his head. His eyes followed Tony's hand which pointed to a pile of clothes.
“Can you dress yourself?”
 Peter stared up at him as he spoke. It felt very weird to actually sleep a good bit. Or, you know, wake up in a stranger’s bed. “I uh, yeah I can.” He said, looking over the clothing. It looked like an old baggy shirt of Tonys and… a small pair of shorts. Peter tried not to frown. While he was grateful for the clothing he wished that the shorts weren’t so small. The shirt would completely swallow him and over his ass and with his luck it would look like he was walking around half naked. Picking up the shirt, Peter stretched his arms wincing at the pain before slipping it on. Glancing down at his legs he bit his lip holding back a string of curses. He looked so… gross. Each leg was covered in bruises and he found hickies on his inner thigh he knew weren’t there the night before. Had Tony done something to him while he was asleep? Shaking his head, Peter put the shorts on frowning at how they fit perfectly. Great, he knew his clothing size. That was the least of his worries. The shirt was definitely big on him. Peter was small when compared to a healthy teenager, so it didn’t really have a chance of fitting.
He looked back up as Tony spoke to him. “You’re an intern, understand?” Peter's face flushed with confusion, tilting his head to let it be known. What the hell was Tony talking about? “You were on your way home, leaving the tower, when…” He watched Tony go over to his wardrobe quickly looking away when the man began to dress himself. “When someone tried to take advantage of you. That is where all your bruises came from. I stepped in like the Avenger I am and saved you.” Tony paused and glanced back at Peter. “We were only outside of the tower and you live about an hour away so I let you stay the night.” Walking over Tony leaned down, grinning when Peter tried to back himself into the wall. The man's lips were on his for only a second, a small peck. It confused and angered Peter. “That’s your cover up story if you get questioned when we go to the kitchen.” They were leaving the floor? Who would question him? Who else was here besides the Avengers? Oh god, was he going to be questioned by the Avengers. Tony must have seen the nervous look on his face so he continued. “Don’t worry, if you fuck it up you won’t leave this room for the rest of your life.” Which wouldn’t be long. “Also don’t even think anyone will try and save you. They know if this story got out that no one would trust ‘Superheros’ ever again.”
He swallowed, trying to stop his shaking. There really was no escape from this fucking nightmare. “O-okay.. Yea-yeah.” He spoke softly, turning his head so Tony wasn’t in his face. “That.. that works.” Peter hesitated before adding, “Sir.” It was simply to please him, to try and not anger the man anymore then he already had. Big mistake. He couldn’t decide on a word to describe the dark look on his face but… it wasn’t at all good.
“Sir, that’s fucking adorable.” Gently grabbing Peters jaw he fucking smiled. “Continue with sir, you’re my personal intern after all.” Tony bit his lip before grinning. “Also Mr.Stark. Can’t have an employee calling me by my first name” Peter should have kept his mouth shut. Should have kept it without the sir and just stayed silent. Fucked things up again. “If anyone asks why you are staying here after today, tell them your Aunt is out of town and that the doctor,” he frowned at the mention of the man looking down, “Thought it would be best to have someone watching over you. Just in case something happens. Understand?” Peter quickly nodded. A quick frown and a squeeze on his neck was enough to correct that.
“Y-yes sir.”
 Peter hated the way Tony would look at him when he said that. He looked so… satisfied? He gasped softly when Tony pulled him up onto his feet. He fumbled and stumbled head first into Tony, face shoved into his chest. Peter frowned, a scowl forming on his face. Hesitantly glancing up at Tony he held back a cringe as he laughed. “You know who the Avengers are, right?” Peter raised an eyebrow and went to respond when Tony continued, walking him to what looked like the elevator. “What am I saying? Of course you do. If any of them make an attempt to hurt you, tell me.” Great… Tony wasn’t the only psycho in the building. Great. Fantastic. Perfect. He looked around and tried not to trip when he was pushed into the elevator. 
“U-um…” He bit his lip and paused, hesitation evident on his face. “S-sir, where are we going…?”
That look. “The kitchen. You need food.” Peter tried not to look offended as Tony rolled his eyes. “Anyone in the kitchen Jarvis?” This time expecting it Peter glanced up at the ceiling.
“The kitchen is currently empty Sir.” Peter almost breathed a sigh of relief. “But it appears Ms. Romanov has left her room and is going that way.” He struggled not to panic. Peter flinched when he felt Tony's hand on his shoulder, thumb carefully rubbing back and fourth. He hated this but maybe there was a way to reason with him. Maybe there was a way. 
He heard Tony groan. “Why couldn’t it be Clint?” Why didn’t he want her near him? Peter listened to him curse as he guided him out of the elevator. “Also, the stuttering? Cut it out. As adorable as it is, it’s suspicious as hell.” 
Peter blinked and paused. “Uhm… okay?” His voice sounded slightly strained, not stuttering almost foreign to him. He didn’t actually pick up a stutter until he started highschool. Fucking Flash was… Peter blinked away the thought. 
“What do you want to eat?” Tony asked before parking Peter in a chair at a huge table. How could he act so casual? “There is just about everything, so choose.”
Peter bit his lip nervously not sure what to say. He didn’t usually pick what he wanted to eat. It was usually whatever they could put on the table. “Uhm..” Before he could answer, in walked Natasha. Ms. Romanov. The Black Widow. Holy fucking shit. Eyes immediately shooting down to his lap, any thought of replying quickly left Peter. Being in front of Iron Man had been one thing and in different circumstances he probably would have been a total mess stuttering and acting like a whole fanboy. But this was different. And with the Black Widow, he was terrified. If Tony had turned out to be a serial killer what would an assassin turn out to be? Glancing up, his eyes quickly scanned her over hands shaking in his lap. She wasn’t in her normal attire and instead was in casual clothing. Which was… strange to see? Peter just had never seen her not in her suit or uniform or whatever the hell it was. He wasn’t able to read her expression as she walked by staring at him and he didn’t know if he wanted to. “Hey Tony,” she glanced over to Tony and gave him a small wave before grabbing a cup from the cabinet. “Who’s this?”
“Personal intern,” Tony replied with a shrug opening the fridge. “Pepper made me get one. Got tired of having to go on a trip to get me to sign papers. He takes care of all of that now.” Lazily waving his arm at Peter he sighed. “How does cereal sound?”
Looking over at Natasha he raised his shaking hand giving her an awkward wave. “Hi?” Peter remembered not to stutter really not wanting to piss off Tony. Whenever Natasha looked at him, it felt like he was under a microscope and it was heavily unnerving. 
“Jeez, what happened? Looks like he got mauled by a badger.” She said offhandedly, making herself a coffee. Tony did not look like a badger. He looked like a blood thirsty lion. 
Tony paused and glanced at Peter giving Natasha a pitiful look. What? “That’s not for me to say. Peter's choice.” Oh… he was pretending to feel bad. “Can I say Peter?” Then Tony and Natasha were both staring at Peter and honestly he would rather be anywhere else then in this room. There stares were terrifying. Opening his mouth he quickly closed it, not trusting his own voice. Glancing away Peter nodded. “On his way home from work last night, he was leaving the building when he was attacked.” Peter watched him tell his lie while making a bowl of cereal. “I was taking a stroll and walked by when it happened. I tried to disarm his attacker but then he tried to shoot me.” Tony placed the bowl down in front of Peter and shrugged. “Had to kill him. Jarvis filed a police report and the cops came and took care of the body.” Where was the doctor's body? Was it in a ditch next to that lady he found. “I’m letting him crash here until he gets the all clear. Doctor wants him supervised and his aunt is out of town.” Peter has begun to slowly eat. In honesty, he wanted to gobble it all down like a damned pig. He hadn’t eaten in days and this was his favorite cereal.
She glanced from Peter to Tony before sitting down across from Peter. “You need to get better security. Look what happened to him.” Peter could hear disappointment in her tone? “If the press gets ahold of this, you’re gonna go through hell for it.” 
“And that’s why the press isn’t going to find out.” Tony glanced at Peter and he wasn’t dumb. He understood the double meaning. “I’m firing all my security and hiring a new team.”
Peter watched her lean against the counter and he quickly looked away. Oh God he felt like he was being watched from every angle. It made him nervous. “How long has he been an intern? Haven’t seen him around before.” 
Tony shrugged while Peter internally panicked. “Not very long, like I said Pepper forced him on me.” He grinned and Peter felt sick. “Shitty official first day but things will get better.”
“Hey kid, where are you from?” She asked him directly. 
Oh shit, oh no, oh shit, oh fuck, She was talking to him. Why was she talking to him? Why couldn’t she leave? “ O-Oh, um, Queens.” Peter screamed internally at his slip up with the stuttering and could only pray to whatever higher power there was that Tony didn’t notice or care.
“Make sure the kid eats, Tony.” 
And with that she was gone. Peter didn’t know if he should be thankful or scared shitless. Because Tony looked annoyed. “Is it that hard not to stutter?”
“Sorry, it’s just- she’s really intense.” He spoke quietly. He felt like he was being watched from every angle even with her now gone. It felt uncomfortable. 
“Try to finish the bowl.” Tony snapped taking a sip from his coffee. 
He had already finished it and looked embarrassed. He glanced around the kitchen and hesitated before replying. “I.. already finished. Sir.” Peter was proud of himself for not forgetting to say sir. Why? Why was he proud of himself? He flinched when Tony walked over and put his bowl in the sink.
“So, what were you gonna do with the pictures?” That… came out of left field.
Peter went pale and focused his gaze on his fiddling hands. “I was.. When we go to turn our pictures in to the company we just print them out and submit them with the story. Everything goes through our boss before it gets published.” He explained quickly.
“But you’d been stalking me all week, right?” Why was this an appropriate conversation for the kitchen but he wasn’t allowed to stutter. 
“To figure out security patterns? I didn’t.. I didn’t think I would actually find…”
He stopped his sentence when he was cut off with a sharp laugh. “Well I would hope not. Fucking whore was asking for it.” Peter tensed a little, he was scared. What had that woman been through before she’d been killed. Was the same going to be done to him? “So are you a virgin?” Speaking of left field, What the fuck? His eyes widened and he shuddered. So that’s what Tony wanted. 
“I.. I… Yeah…” 
Technically he was. Except for letting Mj grope him one time, he was a virgin. It was meant to be a joke, she was fucking around and then Peter had to go and get hard like a horny teenager. He shook his head. He didn’t wanna think about Mj right now. Not here. Peter gasped as Tony lifted him up and sat him down on the table. He had him laid back and was leaning over him, in between Peters legs. He had wrapped his legs around him in the initial shock and now Tony wouldn’t let him go. Gritting his teeth, he turned his head to the side when he fet something hard pressing against his ass. While he was a virgin he wasn’t stupid. Squirming around, Peter tried to pull away and to his horror Tony only seemed to get harder. A hand was forcing Peter to stare forward and once again those lips were on his. Tony had tons of experience with kissing and Peter had little to none. He didn’t know if he was doing this right but the only reason he kissed back was to not anger the man further. “Let’s play a game baby.” Baby, why baby? Out of all the pet names he could have chosen. “Three chances, three warnings. Each time you disobey me,” Peter let out a small whine as a hand began to rub against the front of the shorts. “you lose a chance. Three strikes and you’re out.” What did that mean? Was he dead? Peter began to quickly nod and before he could answer he let out a strangled moan. Tony had slipped his hand into his pants and had begun to softly run his hand over his dick. Tony continued grinding against his ass, switching between kissing him and whispering disgusting things into his ear. “Just imagine, i’ll have you fucking begging for my cock.” He would never. “Make you cry and whine for it, like the bitch that you are. A stupid whore that’s nothing without daddys cock.” Daddy? What the fuck? Peter whined and tried to pull away again letting out soft moans between continuous pants. His face was flushed red with embarrassment, ager, and arousal. Tony was too out of it to notice the cough that echoed through the room. The kind of cough you make to get someone's attention. Head tilting back, he let out a cry as he came all over Tony's hand, at the same time locking eyes with fucking Hawkeye.

big oof
please i'm a whore for comments and a slut for kudos

I'll Do My Best Not To Be My Worst (Starker eventually Tony, Peter, Steve)Where stories live. Discover now