Maybe That's What He Was Doing

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The room was homey, one that Izuku had spent quite a lot of time in.
Although it was rather bland, it still had a cozy feel to it, one that felt familiar, like he'd been there many times before, and it was a comforting place to return to.
It felt as though he had been been there his whole life, and judging by his lack of time-keeping, maybe he had.
Izuku couldn't remember how long he'd been in the room, he only knew he was comfortable, and he was waiting. He didn't know what he was waiting for. Maybe he'd forgotten. Maybe he never knew in the first place.
There weren't any windows in the room, just a singular door across from where he sat.
There was only a simple TV across from him, on a simple oak stand and a small houseplant sitting next to it, along with the couch he laid on, but there were no other defining features about the room, no paintings or posters, nothing personalized that could tell Izuku who's room it belonged to or where he was.
Maybe it was his. Maybe he'd forgotten that too. He'd been forgetting a lot of things lately, although frankly he couldn't say how soon lately was. But he felt there was something he was supposed to remember about why he was forgetting, but he was so calm and cozy he didn't bother to recall.
He was comfortably snuggled on the small couch in a fuzzy sweater, swathed in a blanket resting on his lap, a mug of hot chocolate in his hand, and a sappy movie playing on the TV.
He imagined that Kacchan was doing the same while Izuku waited.
Although maybe instead of hot chocolate he had a mug of tea, after all he never did like sweet things.
And maybe instead of a sappy movie, he was watching something with more action, because he had never been one for romance.
Or, maybe he was asleep, after all, it was probably late at night.
There weren't any windows in his room, so he couldn't confirm it, but Izuku just had a feeling it was late.
Or maybe, he was coming for Izuku, he was going to join him in the small room, and they could cuddle and watch movies together.
That made Izuku's waiting heart stutter, and his cheeks blossom with a soft pink.
Of course, as much as he'd like that to happen, Kacchan probably wouldn't come.
He probably wasn't even thinking about Izuku, at least not in the way Izuku's thoughts always seemed to wander to him.
Izuku shook his head lightly, taking a sip of his drink and relaxing down into the couch, clearing his head to focus back on the movie and continue waiting.

He didn't know how long it had been since he had thought about anything, and although the movie had progressed some, he didn't know what movie it was so that didn't help with guessing the time.
He was still comfortable and watching the TV, but suddenly he felt uneasy. Like something was wrong. Or like whatever he had been waiting for had just taken a lurch, and was going to occur soon.
His breath hitched, and he tried to take a deep breath, but it felt like he couldn't get air into his lungs.
Then suddenly there was a sharp, burning pain in his chest, like there was something stabbing him. His limbs were going numb, and he felt cold, despite the heat of the blanket he was under.
He started to panic, he couldn't breathe. If he didn't start again soon, he would die.
The mug of hot chocolate was thrown from his hands as he gripped his chest and heaved forward, and tried to force air into his lungs.
His eyes were tearing up, and instantly his state of calm was replaced with utter panic.
He continued to struggle, until suddenly, it stopped.
He heaved in a large gulp of air, and the pain in his chest faded away. The feeling in his limbs returned, and his body started to warm up again.
As soon as his body returned to normal, an image flashed to the forefront of his mind.
He was standing on a roof, in his school uniform. Although instead of securely observing the landscape, he was in front of the rail that surrounded the roof for safety precautions, staring at the ground in front of him.
He gasped at the thought, but no other memories resurfaced afterwards.
He slowly took in a shaky breath, and looked back to the TV, trying his best to calm down.
But now the TV was off. He didn't remember turning it off. Actually, he didn't even have a remote.
Scrunching his eyebrows at the absurdity, he he took another shaky breath.
Again, he had a feeling that whatever he had been waiting for was coming.
Within an instant of that thought, there was a soft knock on the door.
Izuku's neck snapped toward the sound.
It was here.
He slowly stood up, his eyes trained on the door. Whoever he had been waiting for, was finally here, wherever here was.
Now standing in front of it, he put a hand on the handle, twisting it and slowly opening the door.
The man who stood in front of him was familiar immediately, and Izuku threw himself into the man's arms.
He couldn't believe this was who he had been waiting for.
On the first hint of contact, he remembered. And tears sprung to his eyes at what he had done.
"Kacchan! I've missed you!"
The tears flowed freely. He was older than Izuku remembered, and he looked like he had been roughed up from a fight. But that didn't matter right now. He could ask after.
"I'm sorry, Kacchan." He didn't know what he was apologizing for yet, but he just had a feeling he should.
"Deku..." He sounded pained.
"Kacchan, are you hurt?" Izuku immediately released Katsuki from the bruising grip he held, and pulled him into the small room, taking his eyes over the man for injuries. Aside from some light wounds and bruises, he looked fine.
"Kacchan, what's wrong?"
"Oh god, Deku, don't apologise. I should be the one apologizing."
Izuku's eyebrows furrowed. "What for?"
Katsuki looked down as his eyes filled with tears."For what I did to you, obviously."
"Oh, Kacchan, it wasn't your fault." He smiled softly.
"I...I feel cold. Deku, where are we? I'm dreaming, aren't I? Why am I so cold?"
Deku quickly teared up again, suddenly realizing why he couldn't remember anything, why he had no concept of time.
Although he pushed that aside in lieu of getting Kacchan the blanket.
"Don't worry Kacchan, you'll warm up soon."
He didn't want to say why just yet.
"The last thing I remember was...was...why can't I remember?"
Izuku didn't want to answer, so instead he hugged him, pushing his face into Katsuki's shoulder, continuing to cry.
"I was...patrolling..." Katsuki's face contorted into an expression of confusion. "Deku, where are we?"
"I'm not entirely sure yet, Kacchan."
"Well, as long as we're here, I want to just spend time with you. It's been so long..." He teared up again, and squeezed Izuku's small middle-school sized frame.
"Okay, Kacchan." He whispered.
They stayed like that for a while, just quietly holding each other, going through silent waved of tears, both for different reasons.
"Deku, can I ask you something?"
"Anything, Kacchan." Izuku closed his eyes.
"Can I...kiss you?"
Izuku tensed in his hold.
"It's okay if you say no. I've just...missed you." He sighed. "A lot." He let out a half-hearted chuckle before releasing his hold on Izuku.
"No, I was just caught off guard, I guess." Izuku smiled.
"So is that a yes?"
Izuku's smile widened by a small margin. "Yeah. I think we're gonna be here for a while, so I think we should make the most of our time."
He leaned away from Katsuki's shoulder, virdian eyes meeting Ruby ones, in a sad, soft gaze.
"Kacchan, you're so handsome. I forgot how nice it is to look at you." He smiled.
"I missed your smile. I've waited for so long to see you again. I never forgot. I had a hard time keeping my mind off of you."
They whispered to each other, small nothing's breathed as they slowly gravitated toward one another.
Izuku's eyes drifted down Katsuki's face, drinking in every detail, before landing on his lips.
"I hope we stay here forever. So I can keep you with me." Katsuki continued. "I know when I wake up I'll forget this even happened, but I don't want to forget."
Izuku teared up again. "Yeah, me too."
He was just able to get those few words out before their lips met in a soft embrace, slotting together like they were meant to fit.
Izuku's eyes fluttered shut, enjoying the growing warmth from Katsuki, content with the moment, hoping it would never end, and knowing from now on he wouldn't be stuck waiting, because he had what he needed, and they could stay together for however long they would stay in the small room.

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