Chapter 4: House in the middle of nowhere.

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Viraat felt all his nerves coming alive. He turned towards the growling sound. His eyes contacted with the shining eyes of big five hunting dogs. Who were ready to tear him to shreds.

Following his instinct, he raised his sword to attack them. Seeing threat, dogs started to bark furiously. One of them, leapt in the sky to hurt the intruder. Viraat swung his sword to protect himself. Which led the dog to bite the metal, instead of his hand.

The dog got more furious, because of the little injury around its mouth, by sharp edge of the sword.

Releasing its grip from the sharp weapon, it joined it's team mates. They surrounded him in all direction.

Just before they could attack, they heard sharp male voice, commanding loudly, "STOP!".

Viraat, along with beasts, turned towards the intruder. He was aware of the beasts around him. Concentrating his attention on them. It was surprising to see, dogs were in their attacking position, but were waiting for the man to give command, to attack.

"Who are you?" a well-built man, asked from the entrance of the house. The deep chilling voice would have scared others, but Viraat answered him without hesitation "I'm Viraat Singh Pratap".

The man recognized him within seconds "What can I do for you, your majesty?" he asked, without any hint of hesitation, but still with respect and same tone as before.

Viraat was amazed seeing the man indifferent to him even after recognizing, Viraat as prince. Without releasing his true intention, "I was just strolling around this area. Time passed so fast; I was not aware of sunset. But is bit curious to know, house in the middle of this dense forest."

"Let me introduce myself, your majesty. My name is Shivraam, I'm a doctor." continuing further "I like to live around the nature, away from people."

Confused, Viraat thought, 'According to his profession, he has to be around people all the time, right? Anyways, it's his preference. But I should be careful around this man. He appears fearless and respectful.'

"That explains, why your house is here, sir." Viraat spoke, while watching around him. At the end, fixing his eyes on the furious dogs, who were now standing behind their owner like the most obedient creatures in the world.

Just then, Viraat's stomach growled loudly, indicating his hunger. Which, even caught the attention of dogs.

"Your majesty, please be my guest. Have dinner in this humble doctor's residence." Shivraam invited the prince, holding his laughter back.

Viraat accepted his invitation, embarrassed. 'Is it okay to have dinner in this house, situated on this area?' his subconscious mind alarmed him. 'But he does look like a trustworthy Man. Any ways, if something goes wrong, I can defend myself very easily.' He followed Shivraam, inside the house.

The dogs were sent back to their original position by their master. The injured one, stood in front of the house, growled at Viraat, when he passed it.

As he entered inside, he felt a homey feeling filling him. House was decorated very classically, with earthen pots, filled with natural flowers. Walls, decorated by old antique paintings and embroidery boards. Every wall had at least three fire torches, illuminating the whole hall, like sun rays.

In the dark, he couldn't guess the size of the house from outside. Inside, it was way too specious and big. Walls were made by big rock boulders, perfectly shaped into rectangles. All the furniture was made of fine wood. A grand staircase leading to first floor.

He was sitting on wooden sofa, observing everything. A lady, who appeared less aged than Shivraam, came out of kitchen, holding a sliver glass in a tray. "Your majesty, this is my wife, Urmila."

Viraat respectfully greeted her back. 'This couple look very good together. It looks like, it has been only ten years of their marriage.'

He accepted the glass. He was very thankful to his father. Because, from his childhood, he has been made to drink, small amount of poison every day. So that, he can get resistant power against them. Even the strongest venom cannot harm him.

He also noticed, she brought water in silver glass. Which is used for detecting every kind of venom, during their royal food testing. She severed him dinner.

'This people look genuine; I just hope they are......'not completing this thought in mind, he was washing his hands, while Shivraam was pouring water for him.

"Your majesty, its already midnight. If you want, you can take rest here." Shivraam said, giving him towel to wipe his hands. The couple never failed anywhere, showing their complete respect and manners to their guest. Shivraam was not a greedy person, nor he was affected by Viraat's status. He gave out reserved statement, rather than persistency.

After thinking, 'I'm tiered too, I should take rest here tonight.' "Thank you, for your invitation. I would take rest here, tonight."

As Shivraam was leading him towards the guest room. He passed a beautifully carved, wooden door. Before he could pass, the slight ajar door gave him glimpse of a sleeping person. But that was not what made him stop. The most amazing scent coming from the room, held him back.

Shivraam called him inside to his room. Coming out of daze, Viraat entered the room, which was assigned to him. The room was very pleasant to see. Viraat was very pleased.

Bidding him 'shubaratri', Shivraam left him to rest.

An hour later, Viraat woke up again, having same dream of the girl. Thirsty being, drank the water, kept in a brass container on table. Completely drenched in sweat and aroused, he sat on the bed, to make his mind cool. His weapons were still intact in their place, where he kept before he slept. Now, only one fire torch was burning.

He felt thirstier. But the jug was empty. He went out to find kitchen. The torches in the hallway were still burning. He again, passed the same door. This time, the door was more open, because of wind, the scent was stronger.

Just like his room, a small fire torch wasburning inside the room. The cladded person on the bed, turned a bit towardsthe window, giving the glimpse of identity, which made Viraat to halt his steps.