Chapter 7

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(Before reading the story, I just want to clarify that this story takes place during the ninja steel episodes 9 and 10 of season 2 but instead of Koda going, Flora goes instead so if the storyline seems different, it's because I changed it up a bit)

2 months later

It was two months ago since Tritanus and Sledge were defeated. Aisha, Flora, Tecna, Stella and Musa asked their crushes out but they rejected but the girls moved on.

Stella: I can't believe our mission was over two months ago.

James: Yeah, but you girls are going back to alfea right?

Aisha: No, we might actually stay anyways we don't want to see our ex's again after what they did to us.

Flora: Yeah.

Two people came up to them and all of them knew that it was Wes the red time force ranger and Gemma the RPM ranger operator series silver.

Tyler: Wes, Gemma, what are you guys doing here?

Wes: We need your help, Lord Dravon had escaped recently.

Bloom: I heard of him, the company of light defeated him and sent him to the antiverse.

Gemma: you guys heard of the company of light.

Bloom: Yeah, my parents used to work for the company of light.

Wes: You are king Oritel's and Queen Marions daughter?

Bloom: How did you guys know?

Miss Morgan: I did some research on the company of light and apparently it is well known in the ranger community I was planning on telling you guys now.

Bloom: Its fine Miss Morgan.

Gemma: Along with Lord Dravon being escaped, some rangers were captured as well so we need one of you to come with us.

Flora: I'll go.

Wes: Ok but do you have you teleporting device?

Miss Morgan: Flora, take this.

Miss Morgan hands the teleporting device to Flora.

Gemma: First off, do you know what it does?

Flora: Yep.

Aisha: Contact us if you need help with anything.

Gemma: Ok.

Wes opens up the portal to the ninja steel dimension and they arrived.

Flora: So what do we need to do?

Wes: First off we need to know if we have any secrets.

Gemma: I don't have any.

Flora: I have one, I'm a fairy.

Wes: You are??

Flora: Yes but I can't transform now or otherwise people would see but I am the fairy of nature.

Gemma: Ok, but why do we need to know our deepest secrets.

Wes: for safer side if we are kidnpped and we can ask that question to see if it is the real us.

Flora: ok

The rangers got a vision of zords that had an animal form.

Gemma: Did any of you got that vision?

Flora: I did.

Wes: It was the blaze zords.

Flora: I was thinking the same thing.

Gemma: We need to inform the ninja steel rangers.

Wes: yes but we don't know their base.

Flora: I can speak to the nature and see where their base is.

Gemma: Ok.

Flora goes up to a tree.

Flora: Nature telapathy.

The tree responded to her question saying that their base is at a high school.

Flora: the trees say it is at summer cove high.

Wes: transform in your ranger suits and wear these cloaks.

Gemma: Ok.

They transformed and wore the cloak.

Wes: Ready

Gemma: ready.

Flora: let me open up the portal

Flora opens up the portal to their base and they went through and once they went through, the rangers were ready to attack.

Gemma: Were here to help.

Brody: How do we know we could trust you?

Wes: Those are the blaze zords.

Calvin: How do know what they are?

Flora: You need to prove yourself worthy.

With that, the three people left and once they arrived back to the previous location and took of their cloaks and demorphed.

Flora: I hope they take our message seriously.

Wes: They will Flora.

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