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3rd Person POV

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3rd Person POV

It was a Monday morning.

Yeah, those words should be enough to describe how Younghwa felt. Even worse, it was a school Monday morning. To be fair, her school wasn't that bad. It was an 'equestrian academy', so all of the students there did horse riding and owned horses. They had riding as part of their subjects as well. But still, I'm pretty sure no one likes Monday mornings.

She sat in her seat and took out her stuff.

"Good morning class, today we have some new students!" her teacher, Mrs. Kim said. "please introduce yourselves!"

Two boys were standing beside him. Two very good looking boys.

The taller of the two stepped forward. 

"Hello yeOruBun, (why can i lowkey hear him lmao) I'm Huang XuXi, also known as Wong Yukhei, but you can call me Lucas. I hope we can be good friends," he smiled warmly, and instantly, all of the girls fell in love with him (cuz honestly, who wouldn't) 

The other boy also stepped forward. 

"Hello everyone, my name is Mark Lee, please look after me well," he said, rather nervously, and all the girls giggled, finding him cute.

Great, thought Younghwa, now we'll never get any peace around here, with all the girls fighting for them. She sighed, then went back to doodling in her sketchbook, drawing little figures on horses.

Oh how she wished to be out riding on Calypso, and not stuck in this hell. She imagined the wind in her hair as she rode, the landscape zooming past her, the sun shining gently-

"Miss Seo!" 

A voice startled her out of her daydreams. Whoops, she hadnt been paying attention. Is she surprised? No. She did this like 5 times a class. The only problem now was that the two boys were looking at her. Scratch that, everyone was looking at her. Or rather, the boys were looking at her. The girls were glaring at her. "Umm, yes. Mrs Kim?"

"As I was saying, Miss Seo,  there seems to be a two spare seats beside you, would you mind if Mr Wong and Mr Lee here sit on them?" 

Younghwa looked at the empty seats, one on her right, the other beside it. She sighed internally. Ever since the incident, she had relocated herself here. It wasn't exactly the back of the class, because her eyesight was shit, she probably wouldn't be able to see the board from there, but it was near. It was also close to a window. Ever since the incident, she always felt suffocated indoors.

Oh well, she thought, as long as she pretends that the two boys weren't there, they'll leave her alone, right? 

Lmao, she couldn't be more wrong.

Unfortunately for her, both the new boys had their own ideas. Unlike her, they were social. Very social. As soon as they sat down, the boy named Mark began introducing himself to her. Lucas did likewise. Younghwa, not wanting to be rude, just smiled and nodded. Then Mark asked "What's your name?" 

Younghwa didn't want to tell him, afraid that the same old routine of surprise, sympathy and awkwardness would be present, but she did anyways.

"I'm Younghwa, Seo Younghwa."

The two boys froze.

Younghwa, noticing there behaviour, asked "What's wrong?" Was it because of her mother? People usually didn't have this reaction.

"You d-dont happen t-to know Seo Youngho, do you?" Mark asked, stuttering slightly.

This time it was Younhwa's turn to freeze.

"Yeah, he's my b-brother," then she did a double take, "hang on, how do you know him?"

"Yeah, he's my b-brother," then she did a double take, "hang on, how do you know him?"

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Yeah Mark how do you know him?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2021 ⏰

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