hanger havoc (part 2/2)

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let's continue our story:
Juan: oh no it's him!

colonel nakamura: I finally found you both!!!! (grabs grenades) eat bombs!!!!
(throws grenades at our heroes)

Jake: juan get out of the way!!!

Juan and Jake then dodge the bombs.

Juan: we have to find a way to defeat him!

Jake looks around and see a ladder.

Jake: juan! we can climb that ladder over there!

Juan: good thinking Jake let's go!

Jake and Juan then starts to climb the ladder,colonel nakamura see and gets more angry.

nakamura: you can't catch me!
not if I catch you!

he then punch both of our heroes below and broke through the window.

Jake and Juan: aaaaaaahhhhhhh oof!

Juan: oh man that was-

nakamura: (punch Jake and Juan)
Juan and Jake got punch the window.
then Jake pushed a button to the rocket-thing.
(Juan looks at the controls)
Juan: this isn't good-
then nakamura kicked our heroes!

(Juan looks at the controls) Juan: this isn't good-then nakamura kicked our heroes!

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he kicked Jake and he hit a lever!
and it's starting an rocket-thing.
male speaker: the rocket car has been active! I repeat the rocket car has been active! this will not be aborted!

Juan: oh no what do I do no-
Juan didn't finish because he was grabbed by nakamura who threw him to the rocket!
Juan, then starts to get up to see Jake, being thrown next to him!
Juan: Jake are you ok?!

Jake: yeah I'm fine.(looks next to him)
no Juan look!

colonel nakamura then got a chain and starts spinning it around to our heroes!Jake dodge the chain and stand next to Juan

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colonel nakamura then got a chain and starts spinning it around to our heroes!
Jake dodge the chain and stand next to Juan.
but then:

but then:

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