
460 18 6

December 31
11:50 pm

"Are you ready for the end of this year?" He asked, as his head hung low, with obvious concern in his eyes.
I wasn't sure how to respond, knowing everything was going to end soon.

"Yes! Let's rock n' roll one last time, 'kay?" I responded, rising up my eyes and head which were staring at the ground. I took both of my hands and placed them on each side of his face. Gently, I rose his head up. His eyes stared into mine.

Was this the last time I'll feel this way?

I gave him a slight smile as the clocked ticked down.

"Y/n, stay here, I'll be right back." He released away from my hands grasp and walked with his back turned away from me.

No matter how hard I tried, all I could think about was him and the clock. Time was running out and he needed to hurry up

11:55 pm
"Where are you?.." I mumbled under my breathe.
I suddenly heard footsteps walking towards me.
In a room full of people. I could only hear you.

"Here." He said as he quickly, but smoothly, shoved the box into my hands. I looked down on the present in my hands, and gave it a little smile.

"Thank you!" I slowly opened the box. I gasped when I saw the gift lying in it's glory, the realization hit me. Harder than it ever did before.

He bought it knowing I only had a few minutes to praise and wear it."I love it so much!" I cheered, holding up the necklace in front of my face, giving it all my admiration.

11:58 pm
"Sure, it's nothing much." He slowly turned around and started walking away from me.

Though, the dual hair boy has only known the girl for a year or two, he couldn't help but remember the memories they shared. He convinced himself it was a big deal, he should be happy and rest. Leave it to the world of fate.
                                                                                             It was too late. He already got attached.

I reached out and grabbed his wrist before he was out of my arms reach.

I needed to say what I had to say

"I really do love you, Shoto Todoroki."

11:59 pm

Everyone in the room got quiet, not because I said the important romantic words, but because it was time.

12:00 am
Nobody spoke a word.

'Be Enough' // todoroki x reader Where stories live. Discover now