✿『phone call 』

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As I walked to school, the voice of the caller replayed in my head.
What should I do with this information?

"Hi, Y/N."



"How do you know me and who are you?"

"Hm, I like to call it.. research purposes."
Research purposes?..
"My name isn't important at the moment."

What the actual heck? I'm kinda getting scared..

"I've been thinking, would you like to participate in a wager?"

"What? I'm hanging u-"

"Are you sure you want to do that?"
"What if your love ones lives are on the line?"

My eyes widened at the sudden aura change. It was almost devilish, but it was also mysterious. There wasn't a word or phrase I could use to describe it.

"What do you mean?"

"Meet me at Barnes and Hero's at 7:30 pm tomorrow."
A book store? Weird.

What if...
"Sorry I'll have to dec-"

No more what if's, I'm going to be strong and protect the ones I love. That's what being a hero is all about right? I focused on taking deep breaths as I tried to maintain posture and conversation.

"O-okay, what do you need there?"

"I'll explain everything when we're there."
My hands started shaking when it felt like the anonymous guy was smirking. I was scared but hero's can't be scared, I'll have to brave if I want to make it through U.A.

"Okay, deal."

The man finally hung up. I felt my legs stumble to the ground as I try to catch my breath.
Am I that pathetic? I can't even handle a stupid phone call, let alone save people.

Becoming a hero my ass. Can't I just do one simple thing? I shouldn't be so shaken up by this.
Why am I not strong?
Sure, my quirk is strong but if I can't handle anything mentally, then what's the point?
Why am I not good enough?
When will I be good enough?

It was almost daily I was getting these thoughts. This is unhealthy maybe, I should talk to someone or maybe get a therapist.
My body layer sprawled on floor as hot tears feel onto my cheeks.

'Be Enough' // todoroki x reader Where stories live. Discover now