Chapter Eight

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After Hotch briefed the team about the case, they were all sent to meet at the jet. Everyone picked up their "go" bags and made their way there. JJ, Prentiss, and Morgan sat in a cluster of seats, in one corner, gossiping about Reid's appearance and where he might have been the night before. Rossi and Hotch couldn't give less of a damn about the drama and were busy focusing on the details of the case. And yet again, Reid happened to find a seat right across from Arya. Arya was pissed. Pissed more than she had been in a long time.

To break the silence, Reid spoke first. "Hey, Arya. I had a really great time Saturday night. I left early in the morning because I..uhm..had to meet someone for dinner later on and I had some errands to run."

"Was it the same person that you were with last night?" Arya snapped back. She didn't know why she was so upset over this. He didn't even express any mutual feeling toward her, but she was disappointed to say the least.

"Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything? How would you know?" Reid answered shocked.

"You were running late this morning. Your buttons weren't all completely buttoned, your collar was up, and your tie wasn't straight. Your eye bags are darker than usual and you've been walking around sluggishly. Yet, you still had time to pour yourself a cup of coffee?" Arya answered sassily.

"Did you just profile me?" He questioned.

"Well it is my job now, Doctor." Arya said. The rest of the plane ride was silent between the two of them. Arya was left in her thoughts, while Reid read a book, unfazed of the argument they had just had.


The team reached the police station of Englewood, New Jersey, where the crimes were taking place. Englewood was an affluent town where there was little to no crimes taking place. The town was taking a hit after finding out what has been going on. The women have been staying home and families were barely getting out, in fear. As soon as the unit arrived in town, they were bombarded with news teams asking them what seemed like thousands of questions. They had been working for days and had no leads whatsoever. They were all walking into the station one day to continue the investigation when a little girl ran up to Arya. She grabbed her arm and pulled. It was fairly obvious that the girl had been crying for hours.

The little girl cried out, "Why did he take my mommy? I miss her so much."

Arya was taken back by this little girl. She reminded her of herself when she was her age. Arya bent down on her knees to reach her height and whispered, "I promise, I'm going to do everything in my power to find the person who did this. What's your name?"

"Kalani."  the little girl whispered to Arya.

"Well, Kalani, do you want to see what the inside of the police station looks like? I can introduce you to everyone who is going to help me."  Arya said to Kalani and then asked,"Where's your dad?"

She ran towards her father as Arya stood back up. She pulled him to where Arya was standing, and Arya asked, "Hi! I don't think we've met, but I'm SSA Arya Deol. I work with the Behavioral Analysis Unit, and I'll be working on your wife's case. Is there anyway you can come in to answer some questions?"

He agreed and they made their way inside. She introduced him to Hotch and he decided to start an interview asking about his wife. Arya felt responsible and protective, for some unknown reason, over Kalani. She took care of her and began to show her around to the rest of the team.

Arya walked up to JJ and Prentiss who were looking at the other cases related to Kalani's mother's case. Kalani's mother was the first victim and hers was the most gruesome. Arya was guessing that after murdering his first victim, he became more confident, since there were many hesitant wounds on her body.

"Hey Prentiss and JJ." Arya called out, seeking the attention of them two. They both turned around and Arya spoke again, "This is Kalani! I'm showing her around to see where we beat up the bad guys."

Both JJ and Prentiss laughed and JJ said enthusiastically, "Hey Kalani, how old are you?"

She put out four fingers and said, "I'm four years old!"

"Wow! You're a big girl! I have a son who's your age! His name is Henry." JJ spoke.

After chatting with JJ and Prentiss for a couple minutes, Kalani's father left the interrogation room, which also meant Kalani had to leave. Arya said goodbye and went to Hotchner to talk about what he got out of him.

"Any luck? I just have a weird gut feeling about him." Arya said to Hotch.

"He told me that they had been arguing for the past couple months. They went to therapy, and even lived in separate houses for a couple weeks." Hotch informed her.

"Did anything in particular cause these arguments?" Arya inquired.

"She has been cheating on him..." Hotch said.


author's note:

i made a playlist that has songs that remind me of "perfection of insanity" on spotify! here's the code! <3  listen to it while reading the story to get the full experience ;)

i made a playlist that has songs that remind me of "perfection of insanity" on spotify! here's the code! <3  listen to it while reading the story to get the full experience ;)

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i know this chapter doesn't talk much about reid but i promise the next couple chapters will be diving into the start of their relationship 😌

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