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We hope that you all are satisfied with your results.

We did our best to complete our awards as soon as possible.

Congratulations to all the winners of each genre. We are really very happy that you all got what you all deserved.

Judges we are really very grateful for your hard work.

Supriya_31 and Nightingale_Deku we are very grateful that you all helped us in the awards. You all did a lot of hard work and we are sure it was worth it.

As you all know we will now soon close the club. We did what we had to do. We completed the awards with outmost sincerity and now we will close the awards because it's very difficult to maintain it. We know you all were excited about this but we have to close it.

Thank you
The Thriller Club

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2020 ⏰

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