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A day like any other, silent morning with the sun rising at a steady pace. Amidst the pleasant calmness of a morning hour, intermittent sobs were heard. As I walked down the lane as I did every morning, Something unusual was subtle in the air, a sense of nervousness spreading like fumes in the air. The unfilled narrow street began to get occupied. The hustle and bustle seemed unusual, people looked seemingly weird . Questions arose in my mind , for a girl of twelve it looked like a place not to be seen in. Curiosity did not take me there, I was on my way for my morning chores as usual but not to deny curiosity made me stand at the forbidden place.

As I walk passed the crowd I could hear people whispering, they were not so serious I guess rather  they  were happy as I assumed. It confused me to what was happening. I decided to walk up to an old man who had lived in a room at the corner of the street who wasn't interested inconversing with anyone around him. He looked as if he knew what happened right there but would he tell me. I walked up to him in no time I needed to get back home  as I was getting late to school. I called out, "Sir" but he did not notice me. guessing that he did not hear me I called out louder to him but instead of looking at me he passed right in front of me. I felt mocked at the same time hurt as I stood there. A lady walked out from the house that had been their center of attention and told me to leave immediately with her gestures. I obliged and began to move as I reached the corner of the street, I got inquisitive and peeked to see what happened. Out from the house came a young girl who seemed familiar to me. I was too busy watching the proceeding than recognize who she was. 

She was in her night clothes I guess, but  a white cloth covered her shoulders and arms. An elderly women had her hands held behind with a jute cord which bruised her wrists. The old women looked exhausted and furious. Behind the women were four men all dressed up in a dirty grey suit which I had never seen before. Right after them came out another lady who had a bruised face and her sobbing grew louder and it was the same persons sobs I had heard before. I guess she was the girl's mother with the manner in which she tried to move closer towards the girl. The others who stood on the street began moving away from the girl and women who went the other way from the street. I had already seen enough, my mind was exhausted and I decided to go back to my normal routine. Suddenly I heard a shriek voice but before I could turn back and look, it seemed that it was just my thoughts that screamt out loud in anticipation to know what had happened to the girl, why was her mother crying? Who was the elderly women and the men who followed her? Had the girl been troublesome? 

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