Wednesday September 2nd 2020

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A quarter of the world is born with access to 100% of their brain, while the rest of the world only has access to 80% of their brain. Hi I'm Luke and I'm part of that quarter of the world. No I don't have superhuman powers, that's scientifically impossible but I am more intact with my emotions. I can label my emotions really easily like right now I'm feeling excited, tomorrow's my first day of Year 7! 

My birthday was on August 30th and my mum got me this "diary", I made the conclusion that I would never write in it because it was dumb and stupid but then again here I am writing in my diary.

I have no friends since I moved house at the end of Year 6 and now I live 543 miles away from my old home with all my friends, sure I can call them but it just isn't the same talking to them face to face.

My mum said that making friends won't be instant but I secretly want to make friends on my first day, I obviously can't tell my mum that because she'll explain all about how my older sister didn't make friends until a term into school and I can't just expect things.

One of my best friends who now lives 543 miles away from me is called Alex, they're Non-Binary. Alex came out to me twice, the first time was in Year 5 when they came out as Bisexual, the second time was the day before I moved when they came out as Non-Binary. Of course I accept Alex, they're my best friend for life. Alex has a boyfriend named Elliot, they both started dating at the end of Year 6. Elliot was captain of the football team, everyone was really surprised when he came out as gay (stupid stereotypes). I'm not really into the whole relationship stuff, I mean sure I want a relationship I've just never found anyone attractive but that's probably because I'm only 11.

Ok this is the end of my diary entry, I've gotta facetime Alex.

"Why am I not normal?" A Story About AsexualityTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon