A Glimpse at Love - Lance

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      I was in the 7th grade when I first saw Nick. He was playing baseball next to the blackboard. Back then, I was dating a girl named Marceline, in the way that you date when your young. I had never thought of dating a boy but the idea of it sounded more and more like something I want to do when my eyes connected with Nick's. His blue eyes and sweat stained skin were shining in the heat of the sun. I grabbed at my stomach. What where these butterfly's? Nick tilted his head at me and smiled. I wanted to crawl up in a hole and die. How could I let him see me like this? My hair is barely brushed! I forgot to clean my teeth! My glasses didn't fit me! Nick struck out and started walking towards me.
        "Hey," Nick said cooley. "I saw that you seemed to not be feeling well. Are you ok?" I reached for the words. His skin was so soft, his eyes as blue as the ocean. My cheeks must have flustered up so much that I went pale.
        "I, um, I think I'm ok. Thanks for asking." I gargled out. How could I be so stupid? Why am I acting like this?
        "Well if you feel sick again, you can talk to me!" Nick said with a toothy grin. The sky seemed to get brighter. I can't believe Nick Lowenberg talked to me!

The bell rang and school started up again. I don't know what happened after that. I'm sure it was a lot of starting at Nick. I just know that I will never forget that moment.

Nick: wow, I didn't know you thought of me like that when we first met. I thought you hated me to be honest. I guess I have to share next. Let's see, where to begin?

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