Worlds Beyond - a biography

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In the beginning
chaos reigned. The world was a plaything for many flows clashing against one another until two flows melted together one day. It started softly, hesitantly, but quickly grew into a mighty river. Soft symphony found its way through fierce metal and proved above all expectations that it did not have to be one or the other.

The fellowship

TIJMEN - songwriter, guitar
The founder of Worlds Beyond. He loves emotional and powerful music, which he expresses in his guitar play and songwriting. Besides electric guitar, Tijmen plays classical guitar and keyboard and is a freelance soundtrack composer.

ROBBE - piano & keys
Tijmen found a kindred spirit in this youngling at the university where they both study civil engineering, and so too did...

EWOUD - bass
The 3rd partner in crime, studying at the university with Tijmen and Robbe, happily jumped on board, and the idea of creating a symphonic metal band was further explored.

JAKOB - violin
No symphonic orchestra without a violin; enter Jakob, also studying to be a civil engineer. He was invited in by bass guitarist Ewoud and quickly found his place amongst his fellows.

WOUT - drum
And what is a band without a drummer? Wout makes himself heard, and all may know it! With his experience as frontman and guitarist for Lucid Dream, he shows himself as a versatile musician and a worthy addition to the band. He responded to an ad posted by the singer of the fellowship.

VALERIE - lead singer
The only lady in the band is certainly not inferior to her companions. With her lyrical sopranos voice, she stands with them confidently and brings the songs and their magic to life. In addition to her musical life, Valerie is also a kindergarten teacher.

With the union of these unique individuals, the band WORLDS BEYOND was born.

The music

Fans of, e.g. Nightwish, Within Temptation, Evanescence, etc., will certainly take the music in their hearts. The songs have been inspired by other symphonic metal bands and rock bands (like X Japan and My Chemical Romance) and carry the same emotion and melancholy you often find in movie soundtracks. Dreaming, escaping, beauty, wonder... these are only a few of the themes to be found in the lyrics.

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