The Beginning of Everything (part 1)

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Amelia granger- Hermione's mom

Robert granger- Hermione's dad

*18 sept 1979*


It  was a normal day at the granger household. Robert  was still fast asleep and I was 8 months pregnant with my baby girl. I really like the name Hermione but Robert thinks that he should name his first born after his grandmom "Jean". Suddenly I feel movement in my very huge belly. "Good morning sweetheart" I said. i go up to the bedroom to wake Robert and i feel excruciating pain. ugh cramps i thought. Rob decided not to go to work today

**fast forward to dinner**

The pain is more frequent now and I am a tiny bit nervous. I am not due until later this month. Rob and I watched Superman and ate ice cream. Rob was setting the table for dinner. He decided to cook today and literally burned down the kitchen. But still I am proud of his efforts.

While eating dinner we argue over the same thing, the name of our daughter. Rob goes out to set the bed and I stand up to clean the table and  feel water tingling down
"Rob! Oh my god Rob! Where the fuck are you!?" I shout out.
He walks in calmly and looked at me and said "Be careful sweetheart. Don't pour water over yourself". "You daft dimbo my water broke" I shouted at him. The rest of the events happened pretty quickly and I couldn't remember anything apart from freaking the hell out

I am in labor for almost 7 hours and the nurse walks in and tells that I am 10cm dilated and she will call the doctor and I can start pushing soon
An hour later (after swearing at Rob) I get to hold my baby girl. He decided that after all the pain I went through it was my right to name my daughter. I look at my parents, in-laws and husband and say "Welcome Hermione Jean Granger on 19 sept 1979"

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