Chapter One

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"Let's begin the roulette wheel challenge game"!

I excitedly grinned as Gene and Paul brought out the roulette wheel.

This was a game and a challenge where me and the nine kiss members would spin a roulette wheel and do whatever it lands on.

"Oldest to youngest "?

Gene asked, referring to Peter.

"Fine, I'll do it".

Peter rolled his eyes with a smirk.

He spun the wheel and we all watched the wheel.

It landed on...

*drum roll*

Let someone else do your makeup.

Ace and Gene were both laughing.

Paul and Ace looked at each other and grinned.

"I want green lipstick".

Peter said, and Paul came back with Eric Singer's special green St. Patrick's Day lipstick.

"Stay still".

I giggled and Peter relaxed his lips.

I applied the lipstick to the original Catman's lips.

Vinnie Vincent and Eric Carr were rolling on the floor laughing their asses off.

"You look so cute"!

Eli giggled.

"Yeah yeah, let's get on with the game".

Peter chuckled, kissing Eli on the cheek.

"My turn"!

I spoke up.

"You're not the second oldest".

Paul reminded me.


I screamed, running up to the roulette wheel to spin it, but Paul smiled and picked me up.

"Nooooo! Paul, let me go you glamorous man child"!

I kicked him in the family jewels, and he groaned in pain.

"Put my girl down this very instant Paul or I will sue you".

Vinnie warned, and Paul immediately put me back down on my feet.

Kiss and the roulette wheel challenge game Where stories live. Discover now