Chapter Seven

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"Somebody open the door. I can't take it anymore".

Vinnie begged as he held onto his stomach.

Everyone was either on the floor holding their stomachs in disgust or trying not to puke over how stinky and smelly the fart was.

Eric Carr was blushing heavily and he couldn't help but laugh playfully.

"We're not doing that again".

Peter crawled to a nearby window and opened it to let some fresh air in.

"Okay, let's change it to something else".

I said, getting up to to change Cut the Cheese to Hot Sauce.

Paul erased it on the roulette wheel and then wrote down the new challenge.

"Who's next"?

Bruce asked.

"You are".

The rest of us all said together.

Bruce Kulick spun the roulette wheel and it landed on....

*drum roll*

Hot Sauce.

"Guess I'll be tasting the hot sauce, then".

Bruce smiled as Eric Singer gave him a bottle of Dragon's Breath hot sauce.

He took out a spoon and ate the hot sauce.

"Get me something to drink! It burns it burns"!


I started laughing and then Gene did the same thing, until everyone else joined in.

Vinnie hurried to the kitchen to get a glass of water and then he came back and gave it to Bruce, who chugged it down quickly.

"Ahhh...that's much better".

Bruce gave us all a thumb's up.

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