Chapter 23: Becks

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Chapter 23: Becks

I don't know how to play the doting boyfriend, but apparently, I am going to learn tonight. I call in one of the club whores and tell her to clean up the damn mess. I lift Nic out of the bed and bring her into my bathroom. I lay her in the tub and strip her out of her soiled clothing. A packet of black powder falls out of her bra when I remove it. It swirls around the drain unable to follow the flow of water. I examine the contents through the transparent encasement. I have never seen this particular drug before. I realize that Nic was clearly protecting the packet so I place it on the counter with her salvageable clothing items.

When I get the rest of her coverings off, I notice a peculiar tattoo, or at least I think it's a tattoo. A feather stretches from the side of her hip all the way up to her rib cage. The thing is about 12 inches in length and its incredibly detailed. When I run my fingers over the surface of it, I can feel the ridged center and the softness of the wispy outer edge. The color is wrong for standard ink; it fades from a shiny black to a light gray so perfectly I can't imagine how the artist managed to accomplish it.

Panic starts to let out a pained laugh, and I know my light touches must be tickling her. I start to wash away the smell of booze and smoke from the night. When I go to wash her back though she moans. As I work the bar of soap over her shoulder blades, she rolls her head back in pleaser and says "careful there, tiger, or you will make them come out." Her words are only slightly slurred now but they make no sense.

I don't know what she is talking about, but my touch is clearly pleasuring her. She's drunk though. If it wasn't for her incoherent state, I would have no qualms with continuing down this road with her. I want her to remember the first time I make her cum though. She will have it imprinted in her mind if I have anything to say about it.

I quickly finish washing her and I dry her with one of the neatly folded towels. When we emerge from the bathroom, the club whore is standing in the door way and she purrs out "Anything else I can help you with tonight?" She takes a lingering look at my rock-hard dick.

I place Nic down on my bed in still nothing but a towel and tell her in no uncertain terms "I'm good. She's all I need."

Chapter 24: Nic

I wake up with a raging head ache. I know from experience that it will not go away for the next few hours, so I roll over and try to go back to sleep. When I do turn over I faceplant into a wall. A very hot and oddly shaped wall. My eyes fly open and I see that my wall is actually a shirtless Becks. One quick check reveals he's only in boxers. Black silk boxers, and I'm naked. What the hell did I do last night. I check my left hand and breath a sigh of relief that there is no ring on it. Hey, I live in Vegas and I've seen crazier shit happen.

When Beck's arm snakes around me I can feel his breath in my hair. "Good morning beautiful" he says in a sleepy voice. I lay still, stunned by his words. His body relaxes around mine as he drifts back to sleep. My body is tense and my heart is racing.

On the verge of a full-blown anxiety attack, I scramble out of bed ignoring my pounding head. I throw on a tee shirt and run out of the room. I smack into Mouse as she exists one of the brother's rooms. Her shoulder length light brown hair is teased into an array of tangles and her outfit from last night is wrinkled almost beyond recognition. One look down at my body only covered by Becks' white undershirt and she grabs my arm.

"Come on and I'll find you something to wear" with all of the confidence in her voice I don't feel.

She is clearly way more comfortable with the morning after walk of shame. I doubt Becks and I actually had sex last night judging by my lack of soreness, but I don't correct her assumptions.

She takes me through one of the doors I passed last night while heading towards the Ol' Ladies hang out. The room is decorated with erotic pictures and various plush and leather clad surfaces. The smell of sex and sweat permeate the air. I'm sure if a black light were to shine in here every surface would be covered in illuminated splotches.

I sit down on a bench-like seat with a blood red leather covering, trying not to think of what has happened previously on the surface. Mouse tosses me a pair of ripped denim shorts that might cover the majority of my ass from the black wooden dresser on the other side of the room. She tells me that she has to go into work now, but no one will be coming in here until tonight. I briefly wonder what she does for a living, but push away the thought. I do not have the brain space to think about anything more than the problem at hand.

I am grateful for reprieve, but I know it won't last until tonight. There is no way Becks will let me hide for that long. I don't know what it is about this man, but he has a way of rattling me. I am so used to being the one keeping other people of kilter that I don't know how to handle someone who can do the same to me. I don't know how to deal with this situation.

He called me beautiful. I've never been called that before. Hot? Yes. Sexy? Yes. Beautiful? No. That's just not a word usually associated with me. Don't get me wrong, I don't think I'm ugly. In fact, I'm quite comfortable in my skin. My 5'6" stature and lean frame is something a lot of women crave. I'm not overly endowed with large breast or a huge butt, but my ass fills out my jeans and my C cups allow me enough cleavage to rock some of Vega's more fun styles. My lifestyle does not permit sweet talking men who use words to charm me with words like beautiful.

Normally I run guys off before things can get much further than a quick fuck or a one-night stand. Maybe that's what I should do here. Run him off so I won't have to deal with this awkward conversation. With my mind made up I start scheming. I can't go back to Inferno just yet; Rapture wouldn't want me causing a scene in his club twice in the same week. An idea hits, and after a few discrete phone calls I have a plan.   

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