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In this little book, I have no intention other than to share some of the teachings and quotes from Buddhism. If you want to know more, that means, deeper meanings and teachings, I recommend you to read books about Buddhism. There are many ebooks and apps related to Buddhism that you can find on the internet.

If you have questions, suggestions, or concerns, please give me a private message. I don't respond to the questions in the comment section.

I found some philosophical and religious books here on Wattpad so I decided to create a compilation of Buddhist quotes. My goal is just to inspire you. Many people I met do not know Buddhism, and they thought that we worshipped Buddha as a god, which is not true. But this book does not contain explanations or interpretations of the Buddhist teachings, only some quotes and the basic teachings.

I personally read Dhammapada, Bodhicitta, and other Sutras. I put 10 quotes on each chapter.

Om Mani Padme Hum


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