Buddha Quotes 7

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Just as you have come to know, the false discrimination of yourself, apply this mentally to all phenomena.

The worlds originate so that truth may come and dwell therein.

There is no fire like passion, there is no shark like hatred, there is no snare like folly, there is no torrent like greed.

Just as a mother would protect with her life her own son, her only son, so one should cultivate an unbounded mind towards all beings, and loving-kindness towards all the world. One should cultivate an unbounded mind, above and below and across, without obstruction, without enmity, without rivalry. Standing, or going, or seated, or lying down, as long as one is free from drowsiness, one should practice this mindfulness. This, they say, is the holy state here.

Poverty with dignity is better than wealth based on shame.

Both formerly and now, it is only suffering that I describe, and the cessation of suffering.

Grains of sand make the beach. Moments of now make your life. Linger in the moment as long as you can.

Radiate boundless love towards the entire world above, below, and across unhindered, without ill will, without enmity.

I do not perceive even one other thing, O monks, that when undeveloped and uncultivated entails such great suffering as the mind. The mind when undeveloped and uncultivated entails great suffering.

Being able to make friends and keep them, welcoming others and sharing with them, a guide, philosopher and friend. One like this will be praised.

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