III: The Hedge

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-August 2020-

The fairy lights reflected on the calm surface of your pool, casting the perfect glow over your backyard as the sun began making its departure behind the vast California Hills. Everyone was scattered about, mingling as music played lightly through your outdoor sound system.

Brandon, Kelly's husband, and Blake were sitting over by your fire pit nursing their beers while Kelly, Gwen, Ny, Cece, Charlotte and yourself were gathered around your lounge area next to the pool. You had spent the day getting to know Harry's bandmates a little bit more and they were absolutely wonderful. Not that it came as any surprise to you.

Ny was on the more outgoing side of the spectrum, although, once Charlotte warmed up to everyone, her hysterical jokes flowed out effortlessly. Especially after a couple drinks.

Adam unfortunately couldn't make it as well as Sarah and Mitch, whom you also found out are in a relationship from a very animated, story-telling Harry. Mitch's parents were in town so they are spending the day with them while Adam had his own family obligations.

Carson flew back home to his family in New York this weekend so he wasn't in attendance either. The constant joke on set was that Carson's real home was the first class cabin on American Airlines. Namely because he was constantly flying back and forth between New York City and LA to film both the Today Show and The Voice.

Kelly was in the middle of an engaging story about how her tour bus had broken down during one of her tours when she was interrupted by a child's blood curdling shriek. You all jumped and turned your heads towards the culprit who happened to be her five year old daughter, River.

"Oh no! She's gonna get me!" Harry exclaimed as River gleefully laughed, chasing him around the yard. He was purposely running slower than her– primarily to give off the illusion that she was fast enough to catch him, and secondly, to avoid spilling the cocktail currently residing in his hand.

His widespread grin matched the young girl's as he gallivanted through the grass. He'd been at this for the past hour, keeping River and her younger brother Remington occupied while mom had "adult juice time" with her friends.

Remington was hot on Harry's tail, reaching to grab the bright blue swim trunks Harry was wearing, attempting to drag him down. Harry felt the slight tug and wailed theatrically when River finally got a hold of his gray t-shirt.

"Oh god! They've got me!"

Harry slowly made his way to the ground, keeping his arm up so his drink stayed upright. He rolled onto his back, causing the orange snapback he was currently sporting to topple off his head. River and Remington took it upon themselves to tackle Harry– all three of them roaring with laughter.

Tracy, in true fashion, was recording the series of events on her phone– aiming to get as much "Behind the Scenes" content as possible for the wrap-up party video montage. Even on her days off, she always seemed to be working.

"My lord, if he keeps this up, I might just have to hire him as a full-time nanny." Kelly chuckled at the interaction, "Alright, guys.... River! Remy! Get off Harry, please!" she raised her voice.

The two siblings clambered off Harry giving him the opportunity to get up on one knee, adjust his hat, and hold his salvaged beverage up in triumph.

The afternoon consisted of the usual barbeque, yard games, and occasional dips in the pool. Your pre-season gathering was everyone's favorite tradition and you most certainly had to agree. It was always nice to just enjoy everyone's company– to admire the view on your steady ride up to the top, right before the endless rollercoaster plummeted downhill.

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