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Chapter 22:

"The bond wavers"

Three days had passed since the first successful mission and the girls are under extreme training with Kun supervising them. Yuxin, Jiaqi and Xiaotang we're also recognized as the leaders in each different category. Yuxin for long ranged shooting, Jiaqi for close combat fighting and Xiaotang for critical points attack and first aids sessions.

It's also been three days since Kun noticed the growing closeness of Yuxin to other girls like Yuyan, Keyin, Xiaotang and Shuxin and he's sincerely happy for Yuxin making a lot of friends, but something inside him felt a pang of jealousy everytime Yuxin and Xueer are near each other.

They seemed too close for being friends.

Jiaqi also noticed the closeness hence, she become a little bit sensitive these days especially when Yuxin talks to her, she either avoids the girl as much as possible or give her short answers with a cold shoulder. Instead, she starts becoming closer to Anqi these days.

This bought Yuxin to be confused and sad for some reason, that's why she tends to hang out a lot with Xueer these days and of course, Keyin and Yuyan but Xiaotang and Shuxin seemed to have their own world when they're together.

Xueer talked to Yuxin about her being afraid to confess because Jiaqi seemed to be aloof as she glared at Xueer everytime the girl started to strut her way and gather her courage towards the girl, hence making her take a step back and rethink her decision.

"You alright, baobei?" Keyin muttered, asking Yuxin in a hushed tone. She looked at the short haired girl with sympathy in her eyes, she knows that the girl is hurting.

Yuxin give her a tight smile, a fake one to be precise.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Yuxin replied, earning a snicker from behind.

She turns around seeing Yuyan and Xueer looking at them as Yuyan crossed her arms, raising one of her brows to Yuxin.

"Tsk, hypocrite." Yuyan muttered, rolling her eyes at her friend.

Keyin glared at her, but she just shrugged her shoulders off.

Yuxin smirked as she stared at Yuyan, "I'm really fine." She said, convincing herself.

Xueer patted her shoulder, "Do you want us to come to your room again, tonight?" she asked, looking worried for Yuxin's state.

Kun noticed these as he strutted his way towards them, leaving Anqi as he personally trained the girl for the past three days.

"Should you be doing some training rather than gossiping to each other?" he started, the cold tone of his voice sent shivers to Yuxin but she composed herself as she just sighed, softly nodding her head.

"Yeah, we should." She replied, her tone sounds obedient as she strutted her way towards Shuxin who smiled at her, she began teaching the girl how to ai perfectly again.

Kun looked at Yuxin's figure for a long time as Keyin can't help but snicker at him which brought him to raise his brow at the sudden show of unwanted behavior.

"What was that?" he asked, feeling annoyed and pissed off suddenly.

Instead, Keyin give him a phony smile, "Nothing, boss." She replied, then she pointed at someone behind him, "Go back to your personal training boss, Anqi might whine again." Keyin added, her tone sounds sarcastic as she said it.

These earned a giggle from Xueer which instantly made Kun'd blood boil just by hearing her annoying laugh.

Before he can even retort, the three girls strutted their way to their own trainings as he simply sighed before going back to Anqi.

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