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Why don't you roll up the sleeves of your heart darling, let's get this over with. Show me what you've got behind those pretty eyes of yours, show me what you hide behind that smile.  this time, Let your heart do the talking, express yourself, unravel before me...I want to see all of you, your darkest secrets, your deepest desires, your hidden feelings, all of you.

I promise to take it all even if it breaks me, I promise to take every blow even if it hurts me, all of the heartbreak... For once I want to know where I stand my love, with you? Or without you? Tell me honey... is this even real? Do you feel what I feel for you? Or I'm just one of your test subject?

I once thought I was losing you each day but now I guess you were never mine to lose, I only created a place in my head where I thought you'd love me eventually but that's never happening I guess. I laid down my heart for you to feed on but you obviously don't like the taste of It anymore, now you desire another.

You desire one who you would break, you desire one who you could wreck, one to toy with,you desire a desperate heart, you desire a heart who don't see the real you... You desire a new me, but darling never forget that my heart would always be your humble abode, come back to it when you need some rest... It'd forever be yours🖤

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