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February 2018

Gab's POV

I was always bothered every time February 14 arrives. You see, the last relationship I had was before med school and that was five years ago. Five years ago! That was also the last time I celebrated Valentines' Day. The very next day, I was a free woman again. Apparently, my then-boyfriend, the weasel whose name I shall never utter forever, was having an affair with another woman who happened to be my classmate! The nerve of that guy. And the nerve of that girl!

I dumped him immediately, without second thoughts. And my classmate? Friendship over. She knew what she was getting into. I have no room for bad vibes in my life.

I was never lucky in love. I had two exes before Paulo and both relationships ended because of infidelity. Sometimes, I ask myself ala Liza Soberano, "Pangit ba ako? Kapalit palit ba ako? Then why?!"

I thought I was a magnet for failed relationships.

Everything changed the moment I met Paulo. He was the epitome of a man who was hopelessly in love with a woman. I thank my lucky stars every single day that I met Paulo.

Thank you rat for biting Alex's hand!

Today was one of my lucky days. Paulo and I were having dinner together after a crazy busy week. SB19 is now busy preparing for its upcoming debut. The boys finally have a name. When I asked the meaning behind SB19, I was floored. It was crazy smart. Who would have thought that Math would play a great role in making their group's name?

No final date was given yet but I was praying earnestly that it would be soon. They deserved to be known. Paulo was also busy writing songs. I was shocked when Stell informed me that Paulo wrote a song in two minutes. Sana all talented.

I was even more shocked when he said that my update had pushed him to write a song. It made me flattered, knowing that I was an inspiration to this hardworking, talented man. It made me want to update him more.

I entered the Out Patient Department with a cup of hazelnut coffee in my hand and a bagel in the other. Another busy day at the hospital.

"Hey, you're early," I greeted the PGI, Dina, and the clerk, whose name I forgot, assigned there. It was still 7:45 AM. The OPD opens at 8 AM.

"We wanted to beat the traffic. It's Valentine's Day today," Dina explained.

"I don't get why it has to be exceptionally traffic today," I mused. It's not like Valentine's Day is a special day or something. It's not a holiday! "It's like any other day," I finished, sipping on my coffee.

"There are too many delivery guys out there," the clerk commented.

I sat down and bit on my bagel. Ahhh, yummy.

"Do you have plans later, doc?" Dina asked. Ahhhhh. Chika minute.

I nodded. "Yes, I do. I've got a man now," I bragged.

They both laughed. As I said before, everyone knew about my love story. It's practically urban legend right now. Plus, I rarely brag about Paulo. Right now, he deserves to be bragged about. He's sweet, wonderful, exceptional, and loving. All the positive adjectives that I could think of, all point to Paulo.

But, enough about me. I asked Dina and the clerk how they were coping with their duties in the hospital. Being in their position just two years ago, I could understand if they would feel anxious. I remembered how scared I was the first time I was on 30-hour duty. I jumped every time the hospital intercom would cackle an announcement. I probably drank four cups of coffee that night.

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