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Gab's POV

I have always known the face of pain. Being a doctor, I was trained to look for vital signs- heart rate, temperature, blood pressure, and respiration.

I was also attuned to the fifth vital sign. Pain.

Pain is an indication of being alive.

Being alive meant that pain was something we cannot escape. No matter how much we try to avoid pain, it is inevitable.

Pain is real. Pain is right in front of me.

It was crystal clear. Pain manifested within John Paulo Nase.

I sat there with him, my heart filled with pain as well. It was so hard seeing the one you love in tears, crying his heart out to you because his future was not certain. His career was hanging by a thread. Justin and Stell had announced that they were quitting. It was up to him, Josh and Ken now and I knew that Paulo was having doubts whether or not ShowBT was going to launch a boy group with just the three of them.

Sigh. Why can't things just happen the way we want them to? Why does life have to offer such messed-up scenarios? All Paulo's sacrifices down the drain. Paulo deserves to be happy. Paulo's dreams deserved to be fulfilled.

I don't know how long Paulo and I stayed hugging each other, me trying to offer whatever comfort I could give him. I understand what a big deal this was for him. I would be devastated if I was in his shoes, too. I wanted to help him, do whatever I can to ease his burdens. Because we are partners. We are each other's confidant and support system.

When I had my board exams, Paulo's support for me was unwavering. He had cheered for me until I crossed the finish line. He was there for me. This time, it was my turn to cheer for him. I would be there for him too until he realizes his dreams. No matter how long it would take.

I will never leave Paulo in the middle of nowhere.

I took a look at the time. My wall clock read 10:15 PM. I nudged Paulo. "Hey, it's getting late," I informed him.

He stared at me with sad eyes. "I don't want to go home," he whined. He burrowed his head on my shoulder and I sighed. As much as I want clingy Paulo, his mom would be frantic by now.

Tita Grace adores me. But Paulo was still her baby. She'd still want Paulo home.

"Your mom would be worried. If you're not going home, at least call her," I suggested. He was still living at his parents' house. We had to honor them and follow their rules.

Paulo nodded. "I'll call her." Paulo peered past me. "Do you have a big shirt? Can I borrow one?" he asked.

I nodded. I headed towards my drawer and pulled out an oversized shirt and an extra towel. I handed it to him. "Go and get changed."

He took the shirt and went to my bathroom. He came out a few minutes later, his hair was glistening wet. He had changed into my Medicine t-shirt. He looked slightly better than when he first came but his eyes were still red-rimmed.

He sat down on my bed. I sat down beside him.

"I'm sorry," he apologized.

"Don't be," I told him.

"I don't want to bother you. You have work tomorrow." As if work could ever get in the way of me trying to ease whatever difficulties he was facing. We are in this together.

"You have never bothered me, Pau," I assured him. He never did. He did the opposite of bother. He was the calm and order I needed in my life.

"I barged in your apartment and cried like a fool."

Until the End | SB19 Sejun [SB19 Series Prequel]Where stories live. Discover now