32: Us Against the World

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*** Reese's POV ***

We're back to our routine on Friday. Ash surprised me with how quickly he adapted his life to include my needs. I am so lucky.

I wake up nervous about the day. We're meeting Lu and his father tonight. I want to trust Lu, but Ash is right in being wary of Antonio. I just have to hope our plan works and doesn't set him off. Ash must be nervous too because while we're going through the motions as usual this morning, our playful banter is strained.

As he drops me off for the first part of the day, he kisses me sweetly and then just holds me close for a minute longer. I feel the need to reassure him. "Ash, it's going to be okay, alright?"

He sighs. "Of course, babe. Just a lot going on in addition to making sure we stay alive. I'm headed to my attorney's office to close the deal with Della. She's done holding anything over us come 10AM today."

"I just wish you didn't have to drain your savings to make that happen." I say.

"But it's like a truly fresh start being free from her, and with you by my side...man, I'm a lucky guy." He reminds me there are more important things than money.

"I was just thinking how lucky I was this morning too." I tell him.

"Looks like we're in luck together." He mutters and kisses me again. I feel it into my toes.

"Alright, time for me to get to work. I'll see you at lunchtime?"

"Absolutely." He confirms. I leave the car and look over my shoulder as I walk in. Ash says it's my signature move and I know it drives him crazy. I wink, wave, and enter the building.

"Reese. We weren't expecting you." Carlos seems shocked to see me.

"Really? Because of what happened last night?" I ask scrunching up my face.

Gini shakes her head. "Noooo, girl. Because of this..." She turns her laptop towards me. It's a series of pictures of me and Mick. They are from the night I went out for a walk and Ash got pissed I was out alone.

They look intimate.

Mick and I on the ground.

Him admiring me as I lift my shirt.

Him holding my hands from when he helped me up.

Him touching my bruised cheek.

"What the..." I don't know what's happening here.

Jordan starts to read. "As if Devon Lewis was not already experiencing the worst week with news that his brewery may be in jeopardy, it appears as though girlfriend, Reese Hutton, is being driven into the arms of another man. None other than, Mickey Nichols, Lewis's number two and assistant brewmaster. Sources close to the couple indicate that..."

I cut him of in a rage. "This is bullshit! Who wrote this?"

"It's the same anonymous pen name from last time." Gini says.

I scan the article. It gets worse as it suggests that Ash may have been the cause of my facial contusion and that Mick and I have been spotted getting cozy while my relationship with Ash becomes more strained.

"I need to contact the editor of this news outlet. This is libel!" I exclaim.

Carlos comments. "Those photos are pretty damning."

Gini yells at him. "Shut up, Carlos! It's obvious they've been taken out of context, right Reese?"

"Oh my God, absolutely! I can't believe any of you have to ask that." I feel betrayed.

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