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Notes-PLS READ !
I know I mentioned this before in the description but this is for whoever has not read the descriptions :)
• I will try to update on every Sunday ....hopefully hehe....
• The Avengers are from the time after Age Of Ultron and before civil war !
•And Yh ! Requests for different clips are always open if you want reactions on any clips you can tell :)
( Currently closed read the 1st Authors note chapter )
Now let's go on with the Sokovian Accords discussion scene !


Warning : I do not own any characters except Tanu which is me and myself ;)

(the whole Mcu whas teleported to a theatre to watch their own scenes! )


"So we are supposed to see our own actions ?" Tony asked.

"Yes ! So basically I am from other dimension where u guys are just fictional characters " I said

"How is that possible??? "
"We are not real- "

"Calm down everyone! There is nothing wrong about it...
Don't interrupt and hear to me I am here to show you your future from another dimension where you people don't exist and are just fictional characters . It's not that of a serious matter so calm down "

"Let's begin with the Sokovian accords discussion "

"What ?" Wanda asked.
"You can just see the clip and you will get to know what I am talking about after watching it ".

[The clip starts]
Mr.Secretary - Aah... Five years ago I had a heart attack. I dropped right in the middle of my back swing....
Turns out it was the best round of my life because after 13 hours of surgery and triple bypass..... I found something that 40 years of Army never taught me....Prospective....
The World owes The Avengers an unpayable debt...You have...fought for us, protected us, risked your lifes...but while a great many people see you as heroes there are some.... who would prefer the word vigilantes....

Thor -B-but this is wrong we were just protecting midgard !

Frigga- Thor...we all know that you people had good intensions but so much of destruction was caused on midgard.

Quill -Woah...things have changed a lot on earth now.

Shuri-What do you mean ?
Rocket -Quill is actually from earth, he is half human, but he left Earth at a small age.

Peter -Wait so you guys are from space? Cool !

All the teenagers were in awe (there are some students from peters class too)

Natasha - And what word would you use Mr.Secretary ?

Clint-Nat...not a wise move.

Causing her to roll eyes

Mr.Secretary - How about dangerous?
What would you call a group of US based enhanced indivisuals who routinely ignore sovereign borders and inflict there will wherever they chose and who frankly seemed unconcerned about whatever they leave behind?
[He starts showing the horrifying videos of destruction and death all round because of the fights]
Mr.Secretary - New york ...
Washington DC ...
Sokovia ...
[ All the Avengers in the clip feel ashamed of all the destruction they caused ]

As in the clips all the avengers were ashamed while Loki regretted his actions of attacking Earth. The asgardians and gardians were surprised to see what all was happening on earth.

Steve - Okay that's enough !

Tony -Thanks...

Mr.Secretary - The past four years you have operated with unlimited powers and no supervision that's something the Government of the world can no longer tolerate.... but I think we have a solution.

Sam-It does not sounds nice to me.

[He passes on the Sokovian accords book]
Mr.Secretary - Sokovia accords
[Wanda takes the book]
Mr.Secretary - Approved by 117
countries and states...
[Wanda passes the book on to Rhodey]

Mr.Secretary - That the Avengers shall no longer be a private organisation instead they'll operate under the supervision of the United Nations panel only when and if that panel deems it necessary...

Clint -Wha- is he trying to buy us or something Ross ?

Nat -But looks like he has a point there...

Pepper - Yeah he does.

Steve - The Avengers were formed to make the world a safer place I feel we have done that.
Mr.Secretary - Tell me Captain do you know where Thor and banner are right now ? If I missplaced a couple of 30 megaton nukes I can bet there will be consequences...

Dr.Strange- Well I am sorry that they do not have passport to Asgard !

Strange rolled his eyes

-Compromise .
Reassurance. That's how the world works believe me this is the middle ground.

Wanda -But I do not believe in this person.
Scott- Neither do I...
Wanda - :| who are u-

Rhodey - So... there are contingensies.
Mr.Secretary - Three days from now the UN meets in Vienna to radify their codes.
[ Steve glances back at Tony ]

Steve and Tony share a glance.

Mr.Secretary - ....Talk it over....
Natasha - And if we come to a decision you don't like ?
Mr.Secretary - Then you...retire...

Clint -WTF !!!
Shuri - How dare he talk to her like that ?
Thor -Retire ?
Loki -In midgard terms it means to get out of the team...

Tony -Language Clint !

Steve facepalms.

[ Natasha nods and smile to make the situation more comfortable ]
[Clip ends]

The Guardians and asgardians are still confused and so is Thor and Peter while the other Avengers have started to understand what is happening ....

"Ok so the clip ends here .This is it for today. I will show some other clips later ,but till then you can rest. " Tanu said.

Natasha - But wait you never told us who you are ?

" You can call me Tanu " She leaves the theatre after passes a sweet smile to all the audience...

Sam- I can't wait to see what happens next.

Sam said he was tensed but eager.
Bucky -Me too.
He said with a anxious tone.


Hmm I am a terrible writer :/
Lol... And so today I am gonna share a secret of mine with u....
U know who I am?
...*whispers* a serial killer...
And I luv daggers 😈

LOL ! Ehehehe are u scared? :)
I know u are not...
My humor is horrible...

Anyways Ri avengers182 thinks that I am a serial killer...
Which I am :) and my partner in crime is Coco -crazymcuandhpfan
The best part is that we both love daggers and knives like Nat!
They are so shiny, beautiful and sparkly! 🔪✨

And requests are always open if u wanna murder someone just give us 10 chocolates and u are all set !
Trust me you won't even find the body :)

Oh I gtg :/ enough threatening for today !
..pls don't contact FBI... For the sake of marvel...
OK byee awesome people
ILY all 3000 ❤❤❤

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