Chapter One

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Vincent Ruggiero

I woke up to the buzzing of my cellular device. Groaning, with my face still smushed against the pillow case I began shuffling my hand around the navy blue bed sheets, before feeling the cool metal surface of my iPhone. I squinted my eyes just enough to see the messenger I.D.

"What does he want now?" I complained. After throwing my phone across the room, I  decided sleep was more important than some 6 AM mandatory meeting. I was beyond tired and my mental composure wasn't at it's full potential. I was exhausted from the constant stake outs and warehouse patrols that I could careless about my father's punishment that would fall suite.

I decided around 7' o'clock  would head down to the meeting room. I staggered out of bed throwing on the first t-shirt I seen. I hurriedly took a shower making sure to wash off the suds before stepping out to dry off. Walking out the bathroom smelling like aftershave. I walked out my bedroom fully clothed and made my way toward the board room.

The room became dead silent as I strutted my way to an empty seat near the middle. I could sense the glare I was getting from my uncle. I acted as if he didn't bother me and continued listening to the other men in the room. I was nudged from the side causing my eyes to shift in that person's direction. A smirking Josiah gazed at me shaking his head at my behavior. I grinned mischievously at him before placing my index finger on my lips shushing him. 

The meeting continued on with it's boring details and plans that as a Ruggiero Heir I should be aware of.  I began to daze off as the change of topic became more and more of a bore. I always seem to have the same daze and the details never change.



The constant flicker of a old, fluorescent bulb provided a dim lighting, which brightened a single spot in the basement. A once silver blade was now coated in dripping blood, as it dangled between my fingertips. Letting the knife go, it fell to the concrete ground causing an echo to sound throughout the basement. My clothes were now a stained canvas. Blood splattered all over me, due to the tortured body laid before me. A river of red flowed from the body, signifying the corpse was dead.

My father stood behind me. A sinister grin smeared across his features. Placing his left hand on my shoulder he bent down to whisper in my ear. His hot breath rubbed against my earlobe as he spat venomous words from his mouth. I murmured a few colorful phrases to myself, but still loud enough for him to hear.

He chuckled before moving directly behind me. An eerie feeling swept over me causing my body to tense up. Harshly putting his free hand  on my right shoulder he squeezed it making me wince subconsciously . "Don't test me boy. I won't hesitate to put you with Mr.Burke, and we both know I wouldn't think twice either. Now be a good som and clean up this mess,will ya." He chuckled once more leaving me stunned and angry.

My father was a wicked, old man, always has been. No one's ever been bold enough to cross him and why would they; he'd ruin you along with everything and everyone you love. Infuriating him is like asking for a death wish: slow, and excruciatingly painful to watch. My father was known as the Emperor of all whose evil... Or he was.

My respect I held for my father vanished and along with it went my sanity. His very existence pissed me the fuck off. I hated that man with a dying passion. Me knowing that his body was filled to the brim with life disgusted me, but having his attention when I was younger always brought me joy.

When I was only nine he forced me to slowly torture someone. I still obliged, no complaints were said. I just did it. I stupidly assumed he cared for me and it took me getting almost killed at fourteen to understand. He never really cared what happened to me. That was six years ago and ever since then I despised him.

All my pain ended with a single bullet that same night on my 16th birthday. Because my father helped me write my beginning, I thought it was only fair I was the one who wrote his ending. My father's very own demise- killed by his own blood. Thinking of it now a wide grin always crosses my face.

End of Flashback


The muffling of people talking was enough to knock me out of my daze. I refocused my vision feeling them become tired. Trying not to draw attention to myself, I quickly wiped my eyes. I sat up straight my hands automatically folding across my chest. Listening to the conversation I realized we were discussing a recent mission I was assigned on. I went back to reminiscing as i leant back in the office chair.

It's been 10 years since that incident and 4 years since I took over the family business. I can't say I miss him, but I'd prefer if someone else could take over the business because I'm tired of two hour long meetings and having other men look at me as if I have no idea how to operate a damn mafia. The look of horror I see in their eyes after I threaten to cut off their tongues always gets me and never gets old either.

Putting the missing pieces together I noticed they were talking about growing community gang activities with one of our enemies. We came to the decision to form an alliance with the newer gangs because they were more naive. Dismissing the meeting everyone headed out leaving me and my brother,Josiah. I nodded toward him as he knew what he had to do.

He nodded back pulling his red hoodie over his head and walked out the room. Resting my back against the wall I thought to myself. "She's finally gonna be mine, I've waited to long for her, and now I'm finally going to have her. She will be mine!"

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