Chapter Two

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Vincent Ruggiero

It was early April when he first laid eyes on her. I remember that day like it was yesterday. I was given a special job by my father. He wanted to see how I would handle a group on my own. Sad to say I had to threaten a couple of them before they got their act together. We we're delivering a load of drugs to a client when there was this commotion.

"Continue with the order!" I sternly spoke before cocking my gun then jogging toward the noise.Coming close to the alleyway I peeked over seeing a guy hunched over someone. "It's a girl." I flinched turning around coming face to face with my best friend, Elijah. He held a concentrated expression as he examined the area. A low "clear" escaped his lips as he walked quietly behind me into the dark area.

With two blades in either of our hands, we quietly crept up behind the male figure.
The girl shifted her eyes over landing on me, I could tell just by her eyes that she was scared for her life. I signaled her to maintain calm as I crept up behind the man putting my arm around his neck causing him to slowly fall to the ground, unconscious.

Eli was quick to remove any weapons from the man and drag him out the alley. I waited till he was gone then turned around to face the girl. She had her eyes tightly shut and her breathing was heavy, hair covering her face as she shook, still a little frightened. I bent down leveling with her grazing her face I removed the strands of curls that outlined her face.

The small action causes her eyelids to flutter open, revealing two big, beautiful, hazel, brown eyes. She looked around before settling her eyes upon mine, confusion clear as day in them. She didn't look no older than her early twenties. I gave her a small smile which she returned politely back. "You alright babe?" I asked leaning forward. She didn't move or speak she just stared at me.

"Yo Vinc- I mean boss we gotta go, we got the package!" Eli stuttered realizing that the girl was still nearby. I nodded toward him turning back to the girl. We looked at each other before she let out a quite "thanks". I smiled while simultaneously backing up to head back to the truck, but before completely leaving I glanced back seeing her already looking toward me. She waved before I turned and disappearing behind the concrete wall.


I watched her from my car. I watched her day and night making sure nobody touched what was already mine. If she knew it or not she was. It's been two months since we first met and two months for my lust for her turned into pure obsession and want. Who would say no to her. Any man would say she was drop dead gorgeous, but the only man who should say it to her face was me.

The way she captivated me could be considered a sin. The way she swayed her hips as she'd move around. The dark brown locks that flowed down her waist can cause an eruption of lust to swarm around my body. I was never really one to be so obsessed over a female before, but recently the feeling seemed strong enough to create a very noticeable dent in my pants.

Maybe it was how her plump lips seemed to always look kissable or the way she'd bite down on them. Either way I couldn't deny that that was how I learned small things can definitely have a big impact. Hence, the dent in between my legs. The small action was in fact bigger than I expected, it was becoming more of a sticky situation. If you catch my drift....

A slight groan escaped my mouth as my hand subconsciously began palming the growing little friend down below. My head snapped back as I began fastening the pace,the more I palmed myself the louder I would groan out. It was like she had me under her spell I couldn't contain this urge anymore I had to have her. I needed her the fucking blue balls will eventually become a purple balls.

I was becoming addicted to wanting her that I wanted to become addicted to owning her. Sooner or earlier I'd be holding her in my arms. "Sh*t!" I cursed aloud stuffing my still throbbing member back in its' proper place. My face displayed horror as the person opened the side door slipping in. I Cleared my throat acting as if I wasn't just stroking myself a couple of minutes ago.

The figures name was Josiah or Eli, as I like to call him. He looked up toward the driver seat smirking. Eli was my best friend and right hand man. He stayed right beside me no matter what he always had my back and neither one of us were close to retiring from one another. "Were you just jacking off?" Eli questioned giving me his signature smirk.

I knew there wasn't a point in lying to him because one he is my best friend since birth and second he is my main analyst. So basically...yeah no point. Eli squinted his eyes observing me before his face turned sour and he scrunched up his nose in disgust. A raspy chuckle left my lips before putting my arms behind my head resting them there.

"Disgusting man!" Eli complained still disgusted. "Aye sorry man.." Eli glared at me feeling violated. "I don't mind when your in your own car, but did you forget whose car this actually is?" Eli asked placing his gun in the holder.I shook my head not in the mood to talk anymore.

A annoyed huff coming from Eli caused me to let out another chuckle, I honestly enjoyed teasing him. "Let's get back to base man, seating in this car when you've done who knows what to it makes me nervous." Eli spoke out truthfully.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2020 ⏰

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