;; prologue ;;

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Arashi Namukami works part time at a local florist nearby her college. Initially, she didn't want the job at all, complaining how she didn't want to work and that she had better things to do. But after a while, she secretly began to enjoy it. Her coworker was nice enough, a girl around her age. They got on well, and got alot of work done. She for sure got paid more than her friends who had gotten regular jobs at some random clothes store or whatever.

So, a few days a week, she;d come straight from her last lecture to the little store down the road from her campus. The owner was nice too, a lady around 50, who let her study and relax when it was quiet, so in the end she was grateful. Generally, the florist was fairly empty, with a few customers calling and some regulars visiting instore. But other than that, nothing too interesting really happened.

That was..until recently. A customer had called the florist on Monday - Arashi was on duty at that time (she only works Mondays, Wednesdays and Sundays) and didn't think anything of it. She;d handled dozens of these calls, where customers can order a specific bouquet with a message to be sent to a specified address. So she took the call, prepared the order and continued on with her shift as usual.

Then, she arrived to work on Tuesday. And at practically the same time as before, the phone rang. Which was kinda weird, but whatever. But when Arashi picked up the phone, she soon realized it was the same guy as before. This time he wanted the same bouquet, with a note of the same theme - pretty niche lovey stuff - addressed to the same person. Which, okay, a bit unusual, but nothing too strange.

However, it was Sunday that consolidated Arashi's superstitions on this mystery caller. She had asked her coworker and the owner, if they'd had a call from that number on the days she wasn't working. They hadn't, and she even went as far to check the phone bill. But, at a very similar time to the last couple calls, the phone had began to ring again.

dear, narukami// narunazu florist au ;; enstarsWhere stories live. Discover now