;; part one ;;

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Arashi knew this voice. It was the same one who had called twice before, ordering the same bouquet for the same person, with the same address.

Am I overreacting..? I'm being paranoid for sure. Right?

But why only on the days she worked? And three times in a week? Arashi felt uneasy, like somehow she was being mocked in some way. Well, she wasn't one to beat around the bush.

"Uhm..i'm not trying to come off as rude, but seriously, what's going on?"


The caller sounded startled, almost nervous, and Arashi immediately regretted saying it so harshly. She wasn't angry, not really, just confused. There's gotta be something more to this. She was sure of it.

"You've called here..3 times this week. But only on the 3 days I have a shift. Normally, customers order in bulk if they have multiple products they want, so.."

There was silence on the other end, and suddenly she was extremely worried that this was all some big coincidence and she'd made herself look like a self obsessed freak. Who was she to inspect a customer like this anyway? Such an idiot, the poor guy's probably scared off, will probably never order ever again-

"Oh. So you noticed. Eheh. Sorry, I guess that must've come across as super weird."

Relief washed over her to hear that it wasn't just a reach. Or maybe it was, and this was still all a coincidence, and the guy was probably trying to spare Arashi some embarrassment. Either way, she should forget it all now, and place his order, but her curiosity barged it's way through before she could stop herself.


"Uhm.." He pauses, and once again, Arashi regrets asking him. This was just getting weirder and she  could've avoided it all if she just did her job and didn't jump into this long leisurely chat with a customer who she was convinced was stalking her.

"I'm sorry, it's just ..this will sound pretty dumb."

"I mean, if you don't wanna tell me it's okay, I can just take whatever order you have."

"No, no, i've already weirded you out enough. I guess you deserve to know why. Truth is, I get kinda nervous speaking to people over the phone, but you were pretty easy to talk to when I first ordered. So when I ordered again, I wanted to do it with someone..familiar? Yeah, that does sound stupid."

"Oh..no, that's fine. Don't worry. So ..how can I help you today, Nazuna?"

Nazuna was the name this customer had used on his last two orders. She didn't know if it was his real name, and she definately didn't have a clue who this guy was. But she regretted not persisting, because as they were done with his usual order (the cheapest bouquet, being 5 red roses, accompanied by the cheapest size notecard and some kind of cliché love message to go on it) new questions began to sprout that she hadn't even considered before. How did he know when she worked there? How did he know what specific times her shift were at, considering they changed depending on the day? And, ..just how bullshit was the excuse he gave?

Arashi was still convinced something was up, and she didn't like it. But she decided she would let it go. After all, this was probably just some socially anxious dude, likely in his first relationship and likely a broke college student (hence the ridiculously cheap options). So why was she overthinking it so much? Something about the coincidences just didn't add up, ..and everybody knows college kids don't give a shit about who they call. And which college kid even sends flowers anyway? He's gotta have some girlfriend, that's for sure.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2020 ⏰

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