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This chapter will contain mentions of abuse. None will be described, but it will talk about bruising left behind. If this triggers you, do not read it this chapter, I will put a summary at the end.

Lance stayed awake all night, he was texting Keith trying to get a response but he couldn't. None of the texts were even read. Lance knew that it was bad, while his family was alright with it, he knew that Keith's weren't. He'd known that from the first time he met Keith, his parents were talking about his "sinful ways". He was sure that they were even madder that he was in a relationship with a guy currently, and that guy just happened to be the Pastor's son.

It was eleven o'clock now and he was about to get up and out of bed when he felt his phone vibrate in his hand.

He looked at the text and let out a relieved sigh when he saw it was from Keith, I'm okay.

He quickly texted back Why haven't you been answering, I've been so worried!

He sat up and dangled his feet off the edge of his bed. He waited since he could see that Keith was texting.

Go to your front door Lance was confused but did as the text said. He went to the door and didn't see anything. Still, he knew Keith was serious when he texted that, so he opened the door and looked around, there he saw Keith standing beside the door. He was out of the way of the window which is why Lance couldn't see him when he looked out and could only be seen when he opened the door.

Keith looked tired, his eyes were red and his cheeks were a bit shiny which made Lance believe that he'd been crying. He had a red mark on his cheek which Lance could only guess it was from his parents, he didn't want to think about that though. The thought of Keith being hurt made Lance feel sick when he thought about it.

"Oh my gosh, Keith. I was so worried when you weren't answering. I was scared you were hurt." Lance hugged Keith as he buried his head into the crook of his neck.

Keith rubbed Lance's back soothingly, "It's okay, I'm here. I'm not hurt. I'm okay."

"Lance, honey, why is the door open?" Lance could hear his mom calling from the foyer, he and Keith were out of view so she wouldn't have been able to see them. Lance pulled away from the hug and looked at Keith.

"How did she react, should I leave?" Keith questioned. Lance shook his head quickly.

"She's fine, you need to come in." Lance grabbed Keith's hand and pulled him into the view of the door so his mom could see both of them.

"Oh, Keith." She looked shocked, but then she gave him a warm and comforting look.

"Mamá, he can't stay at his house. Not tonight. Can he stay here, please?" She looked confused, but she also had the same assumptions that the Kogane house was not a safe place for Keith, so she nodded.

"Keith, come on in." He smiled at Lance then at her and walked into the house, thanking her. The three of them talked for a bit and soon Lance's father joined into the conversation as well, Keith explained that he couldn't go back home tonight since his parents were so upset about what happened at church today.

Eventually, they decided that Keith could stay in the spare bedroom next to Lance's room. His parents went to sleep soon after, they worked early the next morning.

Lance and Keith stayed up for a bit, both of them were in Lance's room talking until one of them decided they'd go to bed. Lance was laying back on his bed, his head resting on the pillow and Keith was laying beside him, his right hand was on Lance's chest while his head was resting on Lance's shoulder. Lance was rubbing his back soothingly.

"I didn't want to bring this up, but I think we both know I have to..." Lance paused, "You have a mark on your cheek, it's from them, isn't it? Your parents?"

Keith didn't say anything, but Lance could feel him nodding on his shoulder.

"Do they do it often?"

"Not as much now, they thought the church was helping, that you were helping. I'm scared to go back." Keith explained as he nuzzled his head closer into the crook of Lance's neck.

"Then don't. I'm sure my parents would understand, they'd let you stay in the guest bedroom." Lance pulled Keith closer.

While Keith liked the idea of living with Lance, this wasn't how he wanted it, "I don't want to be a burden on your family. They didn't have to take me in tonight but they did. I can't repay them by living here."

"Well, until you find something you can do to get out of your house I'm sure they wouldn't mind."

Keith was silent for a bit, "I could get an apartment, a cheap one. I was working when I was at Shiro's and I have a bank account my parents don't know about, I can use money from there to pay. I'll get a job again."

As Lance thought about it he realized it was a good idea, Keith's parents wouldn't be able to control him since he's above eighteen and wouldn't be in their house anymore. They were both silent, both thinking about the idea.

"A part of me wishes we met in different circumstances." Keith mumbled, "Don't get me wrong, I'm glad we met, but I wonder what would have been different if our families were different."

Lance hummed in agreement, "But if our families were different, if my dad wasn't the pastor, then your parents wouldn't have spoken to my family and we wouldn't have met. It's bad circumstances, but I don't think we would have met if we didn't." Lance explained, "I wish some aspects were different, I wish your parents treated you better, I wish the town's view of us wasn't terrible, but some things I'm thankful for." He looked at Keith as he spoke, his nose nearly touched Keith's as he did.

Keith sat up from where he was and just as Lance was about to question why he moved he leaned forward so that he could press his lips to Lance's. It started slow, it was cautious like their first kiss, but it began to pick up momentum each time their lips moved with each other. Keith cupped one side of Lance's cheek and jaw with one hand, the other was used to support himself as he knelt over Lance to kiss him. One of Lance's hands was resting on Keith's shoulder, the other slowly began to play with Keith's hair. It was softer than he expected it to be.

The kiss continued to get more and more passionate as it went on until Keith pulled away panting lightly.

"Making out with you is not the way I should be thanking your parents for having me over. I'm not sure they'd like that."

Lance shrugged, blushing as he spoke, "But, you can thank me."

Keith laughed at this, "What have I done to you? A month ago and you wouldn't even think of saying anything remotely bad, now you say that."

"Are you complaining?"

"Not at all." Keith laid back down with Lance, not kissing him, but just laying with him until Lance eventually fell asleep.

Keith got up carefully, he didn't want to wake Lance up by moving too much so he was very cautious as he sat up. He smiled at Lance and pulled the blankets over his body to keep him warm and went to the guest room where he'd be sleeping.

As he laid down, he was thinking of his parents, about the apartment he was wanting to get, and he was thinking about Lance.
Still, in his mind with every thought, his parents were there. He didn't feel bad for leaving, he was glad he came to Lance's house, he was just worried since he knew at some point, he'd have to go back.

Keith comes to Lance's house in the middle of the night due to not feeling safe at his parent's house. Lance's parent's allowed him to stay the night and he and Lance talk about how they're glad they met, but they wish it was under different circumstances. Not in ways of wishing they hadn't met through their families, but that their family scenarios were better for both of them, mainly Keith. Keith brings up the idea of getting his own apartment since he has money from when he's worked while living with Shiro and his Aunt.

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